Gay Soldier Booed at GOP Debate

The Hill (“Gay soldier booed at GOP debate, candidates stay mum“): Some members of the GOP debate audience booed a gay soldier who asked via video whether the Republican candidates would reinstitute the recently repealed “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of banning openly gay soldiers. After Stephen Hill, who is serving in the army in Iraq, asked his question, a handful members of the audience booed loudly. None of the Republican candidates responded to the audience’s reaction. Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) answered that “Any type of sexual activity has no place in the military” and that he would return to the policy of requiring gays and lesbians to stay silent on their sexuality or get thrown out of the military. His response garnered loud applause. When pressed with what he would do with soldiers who have now come out, he said “What we’re doing is playing social experimentation with our country right now and that’s tragic” but said that he would not throw out soldiers who have recently come out because of the policy’s end. This is not the first time the Republican audience has had a controversial reaction during a GOP debate and the candidates have avoided addressing their reactions. At the last debate, when asked if a dying man who had not bought health insurance should be allowed to die, many in the audience clapped, cheered and shouted “yes.” Pathetic. What a bunch of miserable cretins.

Yea, it’s disappointing that there are only two parties to choose from because these people don’t exactly represent my thoughts; however, it’s what my registration would say. I understand fear of the unknown, but these people need to think a little more.

“to do anything less than unequivocally supporting the troops is profoundly unamerican, unless the trooops happen to be gay” this sums up why i cant stand the GOP. lots of highly principled statements that they absolutely never live up to, but somehow think they can credibly parrot day in and day out.

^Also agree. Pretty sad to see this.

i cant begin to say how depressing this is…and these are the republicans the party of the rich who have a lower percentage to serve in the military? i just dont get it …

I am not a supporter of the GLBT/LGBT/TBGL community whatever the hell its called these days but I don’t understand what the problem is with people of such sexual orientation feeling the need to ‘SHOW’ it I mean srsly why do gay guys dress the way they do? Why can’t they dress in normal clothes and live normally? Do you have something to prove?? Having said that, as an American, I believe everyone should be given an equal shot are serving their country. But if a gay guy feels the need to announce to the whole world that he is gay before he serves then yea throw his @ss out for been an attn seeker. No place for rebels in the army. If you accept to act like a normal human being then you are in, if not then go find some other place to serve You don’t see straight people parading their sexuality everywhere.

I dunno, I see a lot of people talking about how they banged this chick that they picked up at a bar. Why the heck do they have to do that. Just FLAUNTING their straightness by showing affection, or telling conquest stories, or talking about their life outside the military. And walking around military bases holding hands with their girlfriends or wives or whatnot. Darnit, keep that stuff in the closet! If you’re in the military, you must be asexual. Period. And don’t say anything that might indicate otherwise. For all the years of your service. And if you mess up, out you go. Look, if I hear someone talk about how they met this woman and she was hot and how he was so excited when he went home with her; I like it and I can relate to that. What we don’t always realize is that a gay person telling the same kind of story is suddenly branded as flaunting their sexuality, and they pay huge consequences for that that we straight people (and some bisexual people) don’t. It just seems silly and grossly unfair. The military needs to have very strong policies to protect both men and women from unwanted sexual advances, particularly from people who have rank authority over others. That’s what needs to be firm.

ZeroBonus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You don’t see straight people parading their sexuality everywhere. Haha, for realz?

bchad > ZB on this one. 1 point to bchad for deconstructing ZB’s argument. -1 point to ZB for basing his whole argument on stereotypes. Final score: 1 to -1

1 point to bchad for being P.C. 10 points for ZeroBonus for telling his true feeling. A BIG Boooooo to Marcus Phoenix for turning this CFA forum into a potlical litter box. That said, happy friday…

ZB you cant be serious ? can you?

LPoulin133 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ZeroBonus Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > You don’t see straight people parading their > sexuality everywhere. > > Haha, for realz? Last time I checked we don’t have a Straight Pride parade. Don’t say Mardi Gras

lxwarr30 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bchad > ZB on this one. 1 point to bchad for > deconstructing ZB’s argument. -1 point to ZB for > basing his whole argument on stereotypes. Final > score: 1 to -1 Stereotypes keep this world sane my friend. If it wasn’t for stereotypes we’d all be living a boring and uneventful life. All noteworthy things on this planet are based on stereotypes. True story

ZeroBonus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Last time I checked we don’t have a Straight Pride parade. Don’t say Mardi Gras No, just entire industries (arguably everything we do in this world) built around sexuality and the selling/flaunting/parading of it. Hetero or Homo (or other?). I didn’t think you were being so literal with the use of ‘parade’. My mistake.

AlphaSeeker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 1 point to bchad for being P.C. > > 10 points for ZeroBonus for telling his true > feeling. > > A BIG Boooooo to Marcus Phoenix for turning this > CFA forum into a potlical litter box. > > That said, happy friday… had you entertained the possibility that marcus phoenix was ‘telling his true feeling’ as well?

^ I have no doubt that he is telling his true feeling. We all know where he stands by reading his posts. But he should start his post in a social issues forum, not a CFA forum. Let’s boo him instead…

^its the back office, boo to you instead

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Pathetic. What a bunch of miserable cretins. That’s not a very nice way to talk about our gay troops.

Mobius Striptease Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ^its the back office, boo to you instead Ha! Boo you right back… Tax accountant. In all seriousness, happy friday too

We should boo ghosts - why should they have all the fun?