Get Woke with Turd

Yes and he’s collaborating w Mike Cernovich who is an absolute bulldog. they scoop every major news org regularly, usually by a matter of weeks.

they keep checking down the list. Flip the electors didn’t work, russia didn’t work, so now they’re trying the 25th amendment. hints dropping everywhere on Trumps mental state. this is all directed of course, the teleprompter readers say exactly what they’re told to say.

Now…trump is of course aware of this. the question: is he bought off and complicit, in which case he has agreed to be replaced, or has he baited them with another trap? Is trump good or evil?

my gut? trump is no accident. he knowingly was placed in order to get people comfortable with ‘continuity of government’ measures. this will make a lot of people feel great comfort that the system works well to protect the people from a big mistake, not realizing they are agreeing to move a step closer to the slaughter. mark it down, trump = evil but not for the reasons you all think. although i really really hope he is straddling the line on purpose in order to hit the evil empire at the last moment.

you all think this is just politics. nope it’s good vs evil.

^ That’s possible. There’s so much that is suspicious in the USA. USG is bankrupt and must default, and magically the default king emerges, a “madman” who is hated, so when he defaults in 7yrs “it wasn’t us, it was him”. Lots of angles, Obama was the illusion of liberal change, Trump is the illusion of conservative/libertarian change, all the while corporate profits are maximized…just keep the mob distracted. The dems/libs are making such obvious mistakes, too obvious?

I can’t actually get behind any of these theories as there’s not enough evidence, but a lot of things stink, and it’s possible.

Trump appears to be an Israeli/Saudi puppet – both of which are philosophically the same: Lucifer is their god. Don’t believe me? The roots of Zionist Israel are Babylonian Talmudism as is Wahhabism. Note this does not include all Jews, so don’t get your panties in a bunch. Torah Jews are cool as sh!t. Zionists believe they are the master race that will rule the world. Zionists created Wahhabism to infiltrate and divide the muslim world.

Maybe he’s playing Israel/Saud but right now he certainly looks like a sock puppet.

I think Trump just likes people who will pay billions of dollars for military equipment.

Prodigy knew:

^^^^ hahahaha and for Trump sheep CNN is fake news

This post receives approval from Moscow. I arrive to relay gratitude for your efforts.

All is true (even if inconvenient to discuss in public forum). Please refer to Protocols of Elders of Zion for foundations of western world takeover by subversive Zionist forces.

Welcome back, Black Swan. Figured you couldn’t hold out for much longer…

Don’t poke the bear. You mess w the demon you get the horns amirite6?

yo turd when did you wake up? how did you do it? what made you wake up?

it appears our pope is actually the anti-pope. something tells me that doesn’t bode well.


im working on a response…even tho you are trolling me I’ll answer.

actually not trolling you this time. very interested what causes a person to change.

usually its a big event that kicks things off like birth/death, meeting someone/breaking up, near death experience, etc

9/11 was universal alarm bell. Some people still hitting snooze button.

i like this guy!

pedogate is FAKE NEWS!


reuters also reporting

The crowd is eagerly awaiting the birth of woke story. Deliver the goods.

Member freedom of speech as it applies to liberals? Oooo I member!


This is another great interview with Robert David Steele. The whole thing will get you pretty woke but if you lack the attention span, start around 1:00:00 for some really good perspective on Russia and a whole bunch of other stuff. RDS is probably the most credible woke bro I’ve come across with the credentials to silence anyone claiming fake news. Dude is realer than real deal Holyfield.
