getting rich kids into college

i actually think it owuld enhance the value since you are connecting poor people with rich people. i think a 50/50 split is better. the most successful people in the world are not always the smartest. to favor better test takers is a retarded way to select students.

also igor ur a dick.

also i think its hard to pinpoint who the full ride “poor” kids are. i came from a middle class background but had a full ride at ucla, partial at usc. anyways i got some from govt grants, others from school, and my mom’s company sponsored scholarships gave me some too. like i had so much in scholarship that they had to reduce what the govt disbursed to me. which i thought was bs.

lols heres actually hte program, you just need less than 80k:

I thought good (full) scholarships are merit based and need blind? Financial aid is not the same as scholarship. Maybe the nomenclature changed since my days at uni.

Some scholarships are only eligible to poor kids or some other kind of people. Does that make them financial aid instead? Who knows.

There are grants. I got the cal grant. Those have income requirements and lower gpa requirments and you don’t really need to do anything. I think I got 12k per year. Like i got it over a lot of poor people though.

there are scholarships as well. Those you have to apply and turn something in, like a letter. and get letter of recs and maintain gpa. I think I got 15k per year from 3 different scholarships. A school foundation. My moms work scholarship program. And a lew wasserman award. Anyways the best way to get money is to always have a sob story.

Breakdown for school cost is 12k in tuition. 1k in books. 8kfor dorm. And the rest for bottles and models!

The Water Cooler…where all the men are above average fit, smart and with full head of hair. Not at all like the 99% of the guys you see in finance.

So, basically a scholarship is something you’d put on your resume.

Very good of California and Federal taxpayers to ensure all UCLA students have sufficient school funds for models and bottles on top of tuition and board. Having graduates with good life skills and superior academic credentials would be worth nothing if these people all seemed poor and gross, amiright?

lol i was totally joking abotu the poors being gross guys. its very hard to tell nowadays. rich people are typically hip and hip people dress poorly!

Very dangerous! How can we safely live in a society where gross and non gross people are not distinguishable?

ohai!!! why do you hate me so much?

but its kind of easy to tell who has money and who doesnt after a small convo. im pretty good at reading people.

nerdy he hates u cause u competition

i dont believe in competition. i believe in cooperation!

and you made fun of my future wife. i still hate you igor. she will not be fat.

Image result for he hates me cause he aint me

great movie. there was a powerful quote there that i cant remember. i will watch today and report back.

Nery, I am hurt that you think that of me. I am sorry for judging you for being gross. Just don’t go around dating fat chicks or thunder thighs.

But just incase, here: link to article

I’m only just joking bro.

Et tu Brute?

i thought you were my keto guido

now you’re just somebody that I used to know!!

I can kind of relate to her. I once rejected this blonde cheerleader because my friends call her thunder thighs. She wasn’t even fat, but she was at the bottom of the pyramid. Not my proudest moment either cuz I kind of liked her.

anyways now she is a really hot skinny stewardess. The moral to the story, fatness isn’t some incurable dosease. Change your habits and you will change your life.

nerdy was a chubby chaser hahahahahaha

“Models and bottles”??? Ay mijo, no te creo!!