GIPS: advertisement

I’m 95% confident that GIPS will be tested in June. Yes, GIPS is boring, so let’s keep being motivated.

What’s the minimum requirements of a GIPS compliant advertisement?

  1. A description of the firm.
  2. Available upon request.
  3. The GIPS Advertising Guidelines compliance statement:

[Insert name of firm] claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).

  1. composite
  2. a sets of total returns:
  3. gross and/or net of investment management fees.
  4. The benchmark or explain why missing.
  5. currency
  6. Use of derivatives
  1. For any performance presented in an advertisement for periods prior to 1 January 2000 that does not comply with the GIPS standards, FIRMS MUST disclose the periods of noncompliance.

  2. If the advertisement conforms with laws and/or regulations that conflict with the REQUIREMENTS of the GIPS standards and/or the GIPS Advertising Guidelines, FIRMS MUST disclose this fact and disclose the manner in which the laws and/or regulations conflict with the GIPS standards and/or the GIPS Advertising Guidelines.