GIPS Appendix and glossary are optional too, right?

I’m sure they are optional. Who gives an exam on glossary terms and appendix…

But I just want to be extremely clear on this.

Appendix B says optional, but A doesn’t…

We don’t have to look at these long pages on the curriculum right?

I’m referring to page 209 to 235.

(If yes, then yay! I’m skipping like 40 paes!!! This cirruculum is hell…)

Thanks guys.

You’ll need to know GIPS in Level III, and you won’t have enough time to learn it if you wait till you start studying for Level III to look at it. I’d encourage you to start looking at GIPS now, then with more dedication the day after your Level I exam, then with more dedication the day after your Level II exam.

Trust me on this.

omg… sigh… Will I need to know all the parts of GIPS like the CFA standards of professional conduct?

just read the required sections on the gips site