GMAT tomorrow

Such a nice exam… immediate results. Still so many weeks for L3 instead…

GMAT tomorrow? Are you not watching Italy-Spain tonight?

Good Luck.

Ehehe, yes, I will watch it :wink: Better to relax a bit before the exam :slight_smile: Sentence Correction is my weakest area …hope I’ll be fine :wink:

even a monkey can get a good score on the GMAT

well, it depends on what you consider a good score. What’s yours?

5 years ago, i got 96th percentile… studied a weekend for it

5 years ago, i got 96th percentile… studied a weekend for it… of course i could be lying and i got 52nd percentile so asking what i got is a stupid q

GMAT is not a hard test to “beat” and so is CFA. Lets not be fooled: If you study hard you can score high on standardize tests

wizard76, aren’t we all mature people? Why would you lie? To impress me? If you suppose that people on this forum are like you, then you shouldn’t trust any of the self-reported passing scores, should you? My question was perfectly reasonable because the definition of “good” is highly subjective.

wizard76 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 5 years ago, i got 96th percentile… studied a > weekend for it… of course i could be lying and i > got 52nd percentile so asking what i got is a > stupid q No, claiming “even a monkey can get a good score on the GMAT” is what could be called stupid.

I got 740 (97th percentile) but I was expecting more… I made a stupid error on an early math question and then I started doublechecking everything so that in the end I was left with 6 minutes and 10 questions… In the end that was what killed my ambition of 750+… got 49Q (89th perc) and 42V (95th perc)… I hope it will be enough.

good score. i got 45Q 45V for 730. Cant believe i bombed math for 78% percentile! oh well, not retaking it anyway

Those are pretty high GMAT scores. I’m going to take GMAT on Aug 2nd and I’m not looking forward to verbal section. I heard it’s really hard to get more than 40 on verbal.

MrDonadei Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I got 740 (97th percentile) but I was expecting > more… I made a stupid error on an early math > question and then I started doublechecking > everything so that in the end I was left with 6 > minutes and 10 questions… > In the end that was what killed my ambition of > 750+… got 49Q (89th perc) and 42V (95th perc)… > I hope it will be enough. Well done! Did you have any thoughts of not pushing the button at the end?

No Jed, I didn’t… schools want just one score and so, had this been too low, I would have simply took it again. Eheheh I had a call option here :slight_smile:

I was really sick the days leading up to my exam (strep throat, with a fever of about 104). On the day I was feeling mostly better, but still far from 100%. So when I finished, I was feeling pretty good, but was still hesitant to submit, thinking that my mental fitness might have been a bit slow (don’t some schools ask for other recent scores, or the average? Not sure). Anyway, fortunately I chose to submit, and I got a higher score (780) than I had on any practice exam. Maybe the sickness helped? Anyway, I wish I could say the same of the CFA exam. No way I’ll match my practice exams on this sucker.

wow i thought my score was decent but 780 is pretty nice!

MrDonadei Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I got 740 (97th percentile) but I was expecting > more… I made a stupid error on an early math > question and then I started doublechecking > everything so that in the end I was left with 6 > minutes and 10 questions… > In the end that was what killed my ambition of > 750+… got 49Q (89th perc) and 42V (95th perc)… > I hope it will be enough. Whoa…I think I had the same exact score…same breakdown too. Let me know if you get a 5.5 on AWA…that would really be strange.