Good news sources for PMs/IAs?

Hi! I am just wondering if there are any good comprehensive news sources for those (me!) wanting to stay up to date on all things related to the asset management world?


Your request is a little vague, what type of information? Hedge Fund Alert is a good resource for hedge fund launches, capital raises and people moves.

In terms of general finance industry, the best news source in finance is your Bloomberg terminal. If you don’t have that, then a composite of websites like Bloomberg, WSJ, and CNBC, will cover most of the news universe, just not in a particularly timely or in depth manner. ZeroHedge is also useful and underappreciated given their casual style. Just ignore the commentary…

If you’re looking for something specific to asset management (mergers, hiring/firing, gossip, job postings, etc.) I’d direct you to:

Ignites (free daily email newsletter. Pretty much the standard industry trade rag.)



The Wealth Advisor (newer but provides some surprisingly good content)

RIA Trends (good for industry trends too, not just RIA related)

NAPA if you’re into the retirement world

Advisor Perspectives (watch out for Sara Grillo)

BNY, Litman Gregory, Envestnet, Cerulli (mostly paid, though), and several others are available. Try to stay away from asset manager specific newsletters since they all have an agenda (we’re trying to sell something). Stick with third-party news sources, TAMPs, and consultants for industry and market news. I also get random subscription in the mail. Not sure how I’m getting Morningstar’s magazine but that’s pretty good if you don’t have to pay for it.

for ohai’s financial news- barrons, and ft also good

for stl advisor news- advisorhub is good,

if ur looking at hedgefunds asset managers news - institutitonal investor, whalewisdom (asset holdings),

interviews, of asset managers:L youtube investor archive (only top notch people). or realvision (wide array)

for everything else important in the world - kuwtk