Good Qns on Ethics

I want to start a thread on each topic and we can post qns which we think are good and worth to take note of. So anyone not prepared on any sections, wont have to panic and just try to review at least these qns before the exam. So the first thread would be any good questions on ethics.

Ideally, i was figuring that it would be good if one could just post the qn and we can figure the answer out but thinking about it now, the entire post would be too long and if the qn goes unanswered, it pointless too. So maybe we could post the qn and answer together esp of qns which are worth taking note of. In this way, the thread would not be flooded and we can do a quick review. But then again, if you don’t know the answer to the qn, you can just post the qn itself :slight_smile: I hope i’m not flooding the board. Just thought it might help :slight_smile: