Lets say an Essay Q asks to list 2 points for 4 marks. Being doubtful about my answer, I write 3 points in the following order: 1. Correct Point 2. Incorrect Point 3. Correct Point What will the Grader do? 1. Only consider the FIRST 2 points and award 2 marks, as the second point is incorrect. 2. Select the BEST 2 of the 3 and award full marks! 3. Reject the answer and award 0 for violating guidelines!

  1. So the strategy is to put your best bets first.

1, same as I just replied to your query on the email chain. This shit is super basic - perhaps a look at Joey D’s thread would help you out.

  1. Only consider the FIRST 2 points and award 2 marks, as the second point is incorrect.

Give this a read, sport.,996488

Thnx guys

What about i write this way? (just move the third point to the end of second to form total two point) 1. Correct Point 2. Incorrect Point and Correct Point

just one mark for #1.

Read the question. If they ask for two, give two. If I was grading I would have given you zero marks for not following directions.