In an effort to calibrate my AF Exaggeration Discount factors, I am inviting AF members to guess the salary and bonus of the following employee. The real answer will be revealed after enough guesses are tallied. -2000 graduate, New York state school -Joined large, brand-name investment bank in NYC as a research assistant on the fixed income capital markets desk after graduation -Currently in their 9th year on the trading desk, has received several minor promotions and salary increases, but still retains mostly a middle office support role covering traders in a wide range of products from governments to corporate CDS. Guess the salary and bonus for 2009.
salary: $60k bonus: $10k
Salary: 73k Bonus: 10k
100k / 25k
$80k + 12k bonus
75k / 35k
Knowing smirk’s comment history, and assuming that he is not going to make up some arbitrarily low number to “prove” his point, he has probably chosen the most underpaid, unpromoted menial worker that he knows. But anyway, just for fun, I will guess $45000*1.045^9 base of $67k, and $10k bonus.
Salary: $84 Bonus: $12
Heads up, the results will be skewed since everyone knows this is for the AF discounter. So, I will throw in a skewing, non-skewed estimate. 150 base 40 bonus.
I’m gonna go with 80+ 10-15 if he’s still at the same place after 9 years w/ no real promotions something is up (read: he’s wasted time and opportunities) … most significant career moves come when changing companies… or at least departments. Not too much beyond regular COL increased otherwise.
Going to revise my estimate $85k + $30k
80,001, bob With 10,001-15,001, bob.
This is probably SMIRK himself. I would say he’s lucky if he’s at 75K all in.
90K plus 25 Bonus. 115K total
65 + 15
Hello Mister Walrus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Knowing smirk’s comment history, and assuming that > he is not going to make up some arbitrarily low > number to “prove” his point, he has probably > chosen the most underpaid, unpromoted menial > worker that he knows. But I thought everyone in NYC was rich, especially those who have been working for a “BB” on “Wall Street” for almost a decade??
$13.50 an hour with a 10% straight bonus
180k base 60k bonus