Guess the MPS & your chances of passing


I 100% agree with tommy.In today’s world of whatsapp/skype information sharing is very cheap.

It really doesnot matter whether CFAI takes different exams or not all over the world as long as the MPS is adjusted for different papers.

This is an interesting discussion and something I hadn’t thought of before.

On one hand, it does seem like the MPS and ‘fairness’ for passing scores vs. non-passing would be contaminated by the fact that there are different questions for different people around the world.

However, the time-zone argument is also a valid one and would also significantly compromise the integrity of the test if people were able to call their friends and tell them what was on the exam.

I’m not leaning one way or the other, but both sides have valid arguments. Would be interested to see what the CFAI has to say about it, if they would even comment.

Only the NSA knows for sure if there are different exams across the world. :slight_smile:

I know this probably won’t be a popular point of view, but I found the questions exceedingly fair in terms of difficulty. It just didn’t seem that hard as compared to what I expected. The AM session seemed like a breeze (at least it did to me as compared to the afternoon).

What I hated (and what I think is completely unavoidable in a 120 question exam covering 60 readings) is the ginormous so-called “tier-one” topics that were completely left out. So I am sympathetic to those who “overstudied” and really got close to mastery who might have gotten thrown by the luck of the draw vignette-wise.

But as far as odds are concerned with respect to passing, if I could make so bold of an assumption that a 68% or better is passing, there’s 0% chance I didn’t pass this. If it were somewhere in the 70%+ range, well who knows!

I will guess a MPS of 63% and my chances of passing 33%. Sad.