hangover cures

Anybody have any hangover cures besides the usual “drink a lot of water” or “don’t black out”?

^If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, then the obvious solution is…don’t drink.

water alone won’t rehydrate you. you’re also electrolyte depleted when hungover. chug a bottle of gatorade and you’ll feel like a shiny new ten spot.

Drink marinade brine. It works (natural electrolytes).

If it doesn’t then have another shot of vodka.

Heard that one before Greenie - not an option.

Turd, I’m pretty sure I’ve tried that before and still felt like a pile of dog shit afterwards…

There’s gotta be something out there… if not, HUGE untapped market.

Go to the ER and get an IV and an ativan.

I’ve heard of people drinking Pedialyte. Can’t confirm if it works.

Sleep. When I was younger and I lived walking distance to my office I would go home and nap at lunch. I also had a friend who would nap in his car at lunch after late nights.

I’ve heard that a tablespoon of honey has some magical effects when hung over.

I dated a nurse practitioner and while I never partook (phobia of needles), she would sometimes have some salene around and occasionally when her and her friends would drink hard they’d hook each other up with an IV before bed for a bit to wake up without a hangover.

Of course we’re missing the most obvious cure:

Keep drinking

Ha that could be the only truly effective cure… drink 1 less beer each day utnil you feel normal

There is no cure. If there was it would be one of the most popular substances on earth and whoever found it would be a billoniare.

Depending on the severity and symptoms of your hangover you have a few choices. To start with, try to remember to take a couple of Advil (not aspirin or Tylenol) and a big class of water before bed. That’ll curb it a bit.

When you wake up, start hydrating. Smart Water, Gatorade, Pedialyte are all good options. Water is fine too if you’re too hungover to get the others.

If you have a headache, take Excedrin Migraine Relief. That stuff works wonders. It comes at a price though. Excedrin is just a blend of aspirin and Tylenol which are the two worst things you can put in your body when it’s recovering from ODing on alcohol. Aspirin rips your stomach to shreds and Tylenol is hard on your liver which is already under a ton of stress. But, it works. Plus, it also contain caffiene so you get a nice boost.

Eat. I don’t get throw up when I’m hunover so this isn’t a problem for me, generally. For some people though, you just have to eat whatever you can stomach. Greasy food is actually good. Anything that raises your blood-suger levels is good too (though I wouldn’t go binging on candy).

Rx Meds: Xanax or klonopin can take the edge off. Don’t take pain killers for a bad headache. You’ll puke, or wish you did.

Ultimately, there are only two cures: 1) Time. You just have to wait it out. Everything above just makes it more tolerable. 2) Hair of the dog. It works. It’s horrible for you, but it works. Start drinking - I suggest either beer or vodka and OJ or bloody mary’s.

I’m very well versed in the category.

Pickle juice from pickles



This, 100%

I went through university thinking I didn’t get hangovers when in reality I was just sleeping through until 1 or 2pm and getting back on the bevvy by the afternoon, that’s the only 100% cure I’ve found.

Starting work was an eye opener, especially because I started in sales and those guys were animals. It was like a bachelor party that went on for 2 years but without the gokarting.

Pro tip, if you’re ever speaking at a conference and you’re the kind of person that hates even attending conferences, go for 3-4 beers the night before and get an early night, works a charm but only if its a morning event or there’s booze at lunch, otherwise you wilt in the arvo and it’s not pretty.

Pro tip: you get less hangover when consuming vodka through eyeball or rectally. This is because you do not have extra alcohol in your stomach that is absorbed while you sleep. My friend told me.

sticky material

interesting, do you use a plastic syringe for the rectal vodka consumption or do you just squat and suck?

you need to consume water while drinking. if you dont want to do that then you you need to drink a liter of water before going to sleep.

also never a good idea to mix medicine with alcohol of you care about your liver

What part of “my friend” did you not understand? …Anyway, obviously butt has no sucking ability, so you must use pressure differential (accomplished by raising the bottle) or some kind of injection method. Obviously.

A wise man once told me, “You can’t wake up with a hangover if you never go to sleep.” Keep partying.

I’m assuming he goes inverted cowgirl