Has anyone failed CFA level 1 if he/she has been getting consistently above 70% in practice exams?

as the title states, has anyone failed CFA level 1 if he/she has been getting consistently above 70% in practice exams? i’ve been getting above 70% for almost all of my exams… but still not feeling ready and really confident yet… was hoping to get your thoughts… thanks!

I’m sure it happens. I know this girl that failed twice. I’d like to hope that by the second time she was studying she was getting 70s.

shoooooooot. and here i was trying to build up a a semblance of confidence haha

you don’t pass till you pass.

Depends on the test. I was averaging low 70s in the practice exams and 84% on the Mock Exam (this was not a good indicator though because that test was too easy) in December and didn’t pass because I found the actual test to be extremely difficult. You should be fine though.

Forget all these stats. Bring your A game to the exam and retain your focus for 6 hours. Use the two hour break to unwind and stay away from discussing answers. Good luck!

I failed it in Dec09. but than i was scoring around 65-66% in cfai and schweser mock exams.

scored 84% in mock and still didn’t make it ?? wow that’s not a confidence booster for any of us…:S

^^^ thegames, the mock last year was very easy relative to this year’s mock. I think i scored a 72% on the mock and failed Dec 09. yohji, you are in great shape and will most probably pass, confidence is key. lets keep it up and crush this thing!

so those that did last year’s mock, what were your scores for last year’s mock and this year’s?

You guys are scaring me. My mock scores just breached 70. I am losing my will here.

Well this is my third try. Last June, Band 10: Mocks 67% and 65%. December, Band 9: Mocks 84% and 67%. This time: 2009 Mocks 91% and 80% 2010 Mocks 80% and 75% The test last June had about a 46% pass rate and I thought it was relatively easy depsite not being very prepared. I didn’t even get a chance to get through all of the FRA and managed to get Band 10. Last June the economics was very easy, but I obviously didn’t pass because my FRA was weak. Given that same test in December I would have been onto Level 2 by now, but the ethics and economics really I felt were extremely difficult in December. I did manage to get >70% in FSA but somehow didn’t even manage Band 10, although I had similar scores to people who passed. I believe the pass rate in December was 32% or so. So with that said, I wouldn’t get too discouraged because the Mocks this year were extremely hard. I’d say the test last June was much easier than this years mock exams. December’s test was on the same level.

^^^ thanks for the info. I thought the december exam was very hard as well, got 9th band. basically what you are saying is that we have to PRAY for an easier exam.