Help me plan my next SS attack based on this Data.

Ok so here is my life in the last little while.

What I’ve done so far is up until March 19th I did my first read through on Shweser no EOC Questions. Then I did 5 equally weighted tests with the results Below.

After that I read every study session and made notes, did examples/ EOC questions. More Thorough. After every 2 Study sessions I did a 60 Q bank test with 30 for each study session. (Alt I did by itself and I didn’t get to Ethics or GIPS before May 11th and I did a pretty bad job of Allocation/Execution as you can tell by the Q-bank results.

May 11th I get lit up on a Shweser proctored mock. 58% on both AM/PM. I find the test format a little tricky but the real problem is not knowing the concepts enough.

The following 7 days I cover GIP’s and Ethics in Detail and then do Qbank tests. I watch the Schewser vids and make more notes on SS 14-17 with results below and do a 60 Question practice test after each one.

Tomorrow I will do a mock to work on the format of the test. I don’t think that will help me discover my remaining weaknesses as a mock covers very little of the breadth. Based on the Q-bank data what study session would you hit next if you were me? I’m thinking work up from Behavioral Finance, any input welcome. Good luck to all.

Exam Total Correct Total Points Score (%) Date Completed Test Management Exam 2 42 60 70% 3/19/2013 Test Management Exam 3 42 60 70% 3/22/2013 Test Management Exam 4 45 60 75% 3/23/2013 Test Management Exam 5 41 60 68% 3/23/2013 BF/ Private wealth management. 46 60 77% 3/31/2013 Cap Mkt Exp/ Institutional. 50 60 83% 4/6/2013 Asset Allocation/ Econ. 49 60 82% 4/11/2013 Fixed Income 50 60 83% 4/16/2013 Equity 51 60 85% 4/18/2013 Alt 29 30 97% 4/25/2013 Derivatives 48 60 80% 5/4/2013 Execution/Allocation 37 60 62% 5/10/2013 GIPS 25 30 83% 5/13/2013 GIPS II 22 30 73% 5/13/2013 Ethics/ Ethics in Practice. 49 60 82% 5/14/2013 SS 16 After Vid’s 56 60 93% 5/15/2013 SS 17 After Vid’s 53 60 88% 5/17/2013 SS 14 After Vids. 47 60 78% 5/17/2013 SS 15 After Vids. 52 60 87% 5/18/2013