Herman Cain

So far he is the only Republican that I actually “like” at least as an individual. His bio is pretty interesting. He sounds like someone that I would like to be. - grew up decidedly working class (mom was a cleaner and dad a chauffeur) - joined the navy - worked hard to get through college and masters degree - entered the business world. Had string of successes in fast food. Made a lot of money. - Entered the public sector As for his political positions, I am in disagreement on almost all of them. But they are certainly very pro-business.

Didn’t know much about him before the debate a while back, but his resume is certainly impressive. He has turned crap into gold a couple of times. He doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell though.

Nothing exceptional. Sure he’s a good businessman, but then, why not Bill Gates for president? I’m betting on a RomBach duo.

It’s a pretty simple equation here: Herman Cain = African American GOP Nominee = Caucasian American Herman Cain != GOP Nominee

Zesty Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It’s a pretty simple equation here: > > > Herman Cain = African American > > GOP Nominee = Caucasian American > > Herman Cain != GOP Nominee quand etes demonstrati that’s all you were missing to the simple elegant proof

quod erat demonstrandum Cain has taken some criticism from the right for his role at the Fed (Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City). I’ve always been a fan of Alan Keyes, but it looks like Rick Perry is the guy to beat at the moment

@guest, It’s because he’s black. Michele Bachmann was a *ucking lawyer for the IRS. Yes, the much hated and loathed IRS by the GOP. But she get’s a pass by the GOP. Please somebody explain this?

the IRS is a collection agency for the fed ?

@guest, IRS = Internal Revenue Service; they collect taxes. Republicans loathe the IRS. They want to kill the messenger.

guest Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > the IRS is a collection agency for the fed ? Yes. Herman Cain is my nigga!