I actually know Russell Abrams but have never met his wife, kind of wishing I did now though. BTW, his secretaries are slammin’ (see the second link for pics and more info on the lawsuit)… Hedge fund’s legal mess over topless honeymoon pictures of wife Topless honeymoon photos of the wife of a hedge fund honcho have sparked a steamy legal war - and accusations of blackmail. The pictures were taken in July 2008 when financier Russell Abrams and his wife Sandra took a trip to Italy, where she posed bare-breasted on a private boat. Five months later, Abrams asked assistant Danielle Pecile to get prints of the pics made from a CD. Pecile filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in June, claiming sex discrimination and harassment at Titan Capital, which Abrams owns. The 26-year-old wrote that when she gave the prints to her boss, “he smirked callously, taking pleasure in my embarrassment and discomfort.” http://www.nydailynews.com/money/2009/07/24/2009-07-24_hedge_funds_legal_mess_over_topless_honeymoon_pictures_of_wife.html Pics of the secretaries: http://www.nypost.com/seven/07252009/news/regionalnews/on_edge_at_hedge_181309.htm
Dude this is like a week old news. you guys are so slow
needhelp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dude this is like a week old news. you guys are so > slow All right Walter Cronkite…did you read this? http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site36/2009/0716/20090716_035113_moon.jpg
link with the wifey pic has no pic of wifey. i am one of those who dont think we ever went to the moon. so there.
was his wife hot? no point in seeing pics if the wife isn’t hot.
needhelp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > link with the wifey pic has no pic of wifey. > > i am one of those who dont think we ever went to > the moon. so there. What makes you think there actually is a moon?
^ what makes you think that “you” exists?
Both Russell and Marc are a couple of stereotypical scrawny geeky Jewish guys who speak with slight lisps, quite frankly I don’t know how they managed to bag a couple hawt 20-something chicks like those while other presumably cool dudes on this forum can’t even score a date with their left hands.
So you’re saying everyone here is po’?
wasn’t this a “The Office” episode?
for the frst time in my life i find myself sympathizing with the ladies on this one. i can totally imagine how this unfolded.
I just asked Christina Culicea to be my friend on facebook. Hopefully, there is an opening at the hf if this guy is fired.
Pics of the half-naked hot wife or it didn’t happen.
ConvertArb Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I just asked Christina Culicea to be my friend on > facebook. Hopefully, there is an opening at the > hf if this guy is fired. He owns half the firm, he’s not getting fired anytime soon. But their business is done, I spoke to a few investors and they all said they wouldn’t touch the fund with a 10-ft pole now.
sublimity Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ^ > what makes you think that “you” exists? Cogito, ergo sum
What a pathetic loser. What reaction from his secretaris did he expect when he put them into this situation? That she immediately opens her blouse, yelling:“Mine are prettier! Take me!” Oh man…
Picco Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > www.youronestopdownload.blogspot.com > > You are welcome. By the beard of Zeus, good stuff!
After hearing the VM left by one of those guys, I’d say both of them will lose in any lawsuit. There’s not too much sympathy out there for HF managers.