Hillary collapse

What is most interesting to me is that Trump has nothing to say about the matter. “I don’t know anything about it”.

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyHr_gxSCCQ autoplay:0]

As someone who does not handle heat well, I can completely empathize with her.

A 2015 analysis of a billion tweets concluded that heat makes people upset, with a detectable uptick in profanity as temperature rose above about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.


I’m sure palantir has a perfectly good explanation for this.

Weren’t there thousands of people there? How many other people “overheated” that day?

Most likely, it’s just pneumonia, like they said. If she puts up an invigorating debate performance, people will forget it.

It was in the low 70s and the breeze in downtown is very refreshing. No chance she overheated

People with infectious pneumonia often have a productive cough, fever accompanied by shaking chills, shortness of breath, sharp or stabbing chest pain during deep breaths, and an increased rate of breathing.[18] In the elderly, confusion may be the most prominent sign.[18]

The typical signs and symptoms in children under five are fever, cough, and fast or difficult breathing.[19] Fever is not very specific, as it occurs in many other common illnesses, may be absent in those with severe disease, malnutrition or in the elderly. In addition, a cough is frequently absent in children less than 2 months old.[19] More severe signs and symptoms in children may include blue-tinged skin, unwillingness to drink, convulsions, ongoing vomiting, extremes of temperature, or a decreased level of consciousness.[19][20]

Bacterial and viral cases of pneumonia usually present with similar symptoms.[21] Some causes are associated with classic, but non-specific, clinical characteristics. Pneumonia caused by Legionella may occur with abdominal pain, diarrhea, or confusion,[22] while pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with rusty colored sputum,[23]and pneumonia caused by Klebsiella may have bloody sputum often described as “currant jelly”.[17] Bloody sputum (known as hemoptysis) may also occur with tuberculosis, Gram-negative pneumonia, and lung abscesses as well as more commonly with acute bronchitis.[20] Mycoplasma pneumonia may occur in association with swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck, joint pain, or a middle ear infection.[20] Viral pneumonia presents more commonly with wheezing than does bacterial pneumonia.[21] Pneumonia was historically divided into “typical” and “atypical” based on the belief that the presentation predicted the underlying cause.[24] However, evidence has not supported this distinction, thus it is no longer emphasized.[24]

If she gets elected maybe she’ll follow in the footsteps of William Henry Harrison.

Now I can watch the debates on mute and just wait to see if/when she collapses. I don’t wish bad health on anyone (except all the Broncos and Raiders), but Hillary falling over would make this race much more interesting.

This is interesting…


This got me thinking… how funny would it be if everytime Trump said something in the debate he would end it with NAAATTT!.. lol


The coverage of this is asinine. No medical professional would throw an unconscious person into a van unless the condition is known and the event is expected… The victim needs to be helped to the ground and possibly have their feet elevated. HRC is not a rag doll or a puppet. There should be outrage and heads should roll. Her life was put in possibly greater danger.

If any of you out there are in a position to help a decrepit elderly person as they faint, please gently lower them to the ground.

Hillary campaign said it was heatstroke. Apparently standing around in 80 degree weather causes heatstroke. Anyone else see the video that showed something falling out of her pant leg?


Okay, so it’s Zero Hedge, but this is a pretty cool read:


funny how certain outlets will only show the first few seconds of them moving her, while they call it a ‘stumble’. based on the entire footage she is clearly out on her feet and was literally thrown into the motorcade. NBC’s “reporting” of the incident as they were learning about it on Sunday was deplorable…reporters blatantly acting like campaign spokesmen, “nothing to see here”. truly a sad day for the country when we get that kind of “reporting” of a MAJOR event.

seriously just ignore all of the nonsense from media pundits- Just watch that video in its entirety and tell me that something is not wrong there. And she didn’t go to the hospital? This is sketchy.

I’m in the middle of Gary Byrne’s book, Crisis of Character. He’s the author of the article that ZeroHedge picked up.

Good guy. Good book. HRC should be kept out of the White House. Who are you going to believe if not a Secret Service Agent?

while a healthy hillary make for an easy win versus anyone the repubs have, except maybe ryan, as i’ve said for years, i do admit that recent events make a trump presidency much more likely. like going from 1% chance to 25% chance. unreal. her health and this video will have a major effect on centrist votes.

^obviously no informed rational human would take anything reported by a network news outlet at face value. But what is scary is that there is no longer an independent press. I don’t think this was always the case, but I could be wrong. Older, less tech savvy folks who grew up getting their news from the networks are the most vulnerable. They are completely brainwashed (on both sides).

christ man it goes deep:
