Historic Result Dates

“An idle priest will start baptizing goats.”

English equivalent: The Devil finds work for idle hands.

Once the results were uploaded it became a thing. I want to say it was a few days before results day but it picked up real steam in the final 24 hours.

I have to think the website’s IT caught wind of it and made the adjustments. Or not. Or there will be a new thing some paranoid folks discover this year. Because that certainly wasn’t the only thing people were positing to be a tell. Everything was in play.

Right well…

I remember last year receiving an email about when they would technically be done but would do a review of it all just to spot check everything. I’m fairly that it was like 2 weeks before release date. So I guess if you checked about 2 weeks before release, and if this year happened to be the same error, then it should be a tell-tell sign.

Well, if there are indeed tells this year I won’t be checking them. It’s not worth the stress. Like after every exam thus far, the night before I’ll change the settings on my phone’s email client to not show email content previews, then when the email comes in, I’ll sit down, take a deep breath, count to three then tap it. Then one of two things will happen … 1) A couple fist pumps and a call to my wife to tell her the happy news or 2) Drive to Best Buy to replace the phone I just smashed into a million pieces.