
I think he’s just short healthcare stocks…

how about accupuncture? you down with that fool?

I am not at all promoting homeopathy.I am just speaking on facts and personal experiences.

Allopathy doesnot have permanent treatment for piles,oseoarthiritis,hypertension and diabetes so there is no harm in trying alternate medicines like homeopathy.

Allopathy cannot cure stammering…but homeopathy cured it.

I have not tried it.

I am down with homeopathy. Welcome back RR.

Gonna need picture evidence of them hemmroids to believe you…

lol…they are gone now thanks to homeopathy.

Are you sure it wasn’t some good ol’ homopathy in the butt that shoves those hemorrhoids back in?

Anal intercourse causes hemorrhoids and does not cure them.

I think you are just wasting your time by posting BS.I am not forcing any one to use homeopathy.If you don’t believe in homeopathy then why are you visiting this thread??

Says the homeopathy guy…

I can accept the fact that you don’t believe in homeopathy but why are you trolling me ?

I am not forcing you to use homeopathy.

Have you ever considered that many people stammer as children, and the 99% ‘reduction’ in your stammering was probably not due to the ‘medicine’ but due to the fact that you were actually getting old- 2 years is a lot of time, you probably got matured and naturally get rid of stammering?

Correlation is not causation.

I was a stammerer till the age of 16.

What patient does gangbanging an innocent teenage girl cure?

…and boom goes the dynamite!

Couple of ounces of ground flax seed before meals should take care of piles. The large intestine is working too hard and blowing out your hemorrhoids. Had you just tried some fiber before the magic? Or maybe you had a special case…

That’s heteropathy. I think RR is talking about homopathy, which is the gangbanging of an innocent teenage boy.

Ya i tried fibre diet along with medicines.