Hot Analyst on WS

Not very hot!

they should stick to changing diapers and folding laundry… IMHO

eh. I wouldn’t call ALL these people “attractive”. But more interestingly: I counted only 4 of the 17 people have the CFA charter. So the conclusion is: being attractive > CFA

Which sadly… makes sense, since I’ve seen many cases where clearly under-qualified hot women land the job over a qualified average looking guy

And all the descriptions are in violation, because all these bio’s say “X is a CFA” or “X is a chartered financial analyst”

Why were there dudes on the list?

All fairly average looking people

Only 4 out of 17 people have the CFA charter BUT look at their educational attainment. Phd in Econ from Princeton, MBA from Columbia, UPenn, U of Chicago MBA, couple Harvard MBAs… Pretty naive to say that it was their good looks that got them there wouldn’t you say? They loook pretty average looking people to me.

Wedbush girl is pretty cute IMO

all the woman cover clothing stores lol

consumer is probably the easiest sector to pick up

pieces of rotten shit…!!!

Easy there, Viks.

Wow, pretty weak group.

It does seem that these people are likely hired for their talent.

…this is why they are in research and not sales.

The Barclays girl is good.

they are fall in the 0-6 out of 10 range.

pretty weak group you ask me…

I think hottest Big 4 accountants would make a much better list

Nothing wrong with that. This is a hottest list though and they do specifically say they are “camera friendly”, so a bit disappointing.