How can we review the mock exam? I can’t find any way to go back and see what the problems are and what the multiple choices are.
Not sure about the mock exam, but on the sample exams you can’t go back and review.
Portfolio Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How can we review the mock exam? I can’t find any > way to go back and see what the problems are and > what the multiple choices are. ---------------------------------------------------------- Portfolio, I have same Q as yours. I have just bought the CFAi mock exam from CFA institute website. and sample exams weeks ago. In CFAi mock exam, there is no answer or explanation after each question. just a summary of score at the end of exam. when I was doing the sample exams weeks ago, answer and explanation followed every Qs.
I just called CFA institute. they intend to do that. no answer or explanation for Qs. my guess is these Qs very possible appear again in real exam. they don’t want us to know the correct answer to have an advantage in real exam. have you bought them?