How do I put my CFA experience in my resume?

Which one is better if I am apply for MS finance?

  1. Passed all three exams of CFA and will be awarded a charter upon completion of work experience

  2. Passed all three exams of CFA in 1st attempt and will be awarded a charter upon completion of work experience

  3. Passed all three exams of CFA in 1st attempt (>70% in 37/40 of subtopics) and will be awarded a charter upon completion of work experience **I think I only missed 3 >70% in the three exam

2 and 3 are quite insensitive and arrogant. Any views?

#3 make sure you bold “in 1st attempt” with gold stars next to it. Then subtly hint about what kind of returns you can generate.

why be subtle? he passed all 3 levels on 1st attempt. gold stars might be a bit much. i would just write 1st attempt in bold, underline and italics. stars are over the top.

Passed three levels of CFA. Period. You can mention “on first attempt” if you feel you must, but it does project a little bit of “I like to rub ultimately unimportant details in peoples faces” about you. For a job it’s definitely out of bounds (though you can mention it if asked in an interview, such as “it took a lot of discipline to get ready for it, but it was very relieving to be able to pass each one on my first try.”) For a school, it does suggest that you can study well, so it might be a little more relevant. But just try to add extra stuff to water down the cockiness level it projects.

Correct me if Im wrong but isnt stating that you will be awarded the charter at some future date a violation of standard VII? Id simply state that you passed the exams on first attempt.

I think upon completion of work experience does not violate the standards

Really it should say “upon completion and verification of work experience and assuming I don’t commit any ethics breaches that would invalidate my candidacy for the charter.” That would simply be factual information, and there would be no specific date attested.

Full instructions from CFA Institute here

probably have to throw in “upon completion, verification and acceptance of work experience…” and “also assuming I pay my dues”

Having re-read the CFA site and realising it doesn’t really help. I would suggested CFA Program - Passed CFA Exam Level 3 This is more or less what I was told by GARP while I’m waiting approval of work experience for FRM.