How has inflation affected you?

With rising living expenses, 180k mba school, 30k wedding plans, i needed to significantly cut back on spending specifically eating out. so i started cooking. i make my first pancake today. it was very basic. mix and water. my fiance likes it plain like that. anyways. it was pretty good. i am somewhat proud of myself. i hate cleaning though. its real peasant work.

The price of a 10 kg bag of AP flour has gone up from $14 to $16 just in the last month or so!!!

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nice job nerdy. wait til you knock her up

A square foot of concrete is going for like $18.00 here now when it used to be $4.00 only three ish years ago.

Feels bad man.

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Is the 180K all in cost or is that just tuition and ancillary fees?

For the pancakes, did you serve with real maple syrup or that HFCS stuff???

No YOURE the ANCILLARY. for the pancakes. I use aunt jemima syrup.

Mrs. Sportbiker wanted to try Hello Fresh. Normally I would balk at such a thing, but the combination of fewer grocery store trips and shorter lists have led to the subscription only adding about $20/week to our food expenditures. Worth it, IMO, due to the ease of use and actually tasty recipes.

i dont go anywhere anymore. i use sams club online and wal mart plus for groceries. im pretty happy.

I despise grocery pick-up. Maybe it’s just my own experience / crappy Walmart, but if I’m driving there already and going to wait for 20 minutes past the scheduled pick up time anyway, why not just walk in and take it off the shelf myself? That also removes the unreliable employee’s opinion when they’re out of exactly what I’m looking for.

Edit: That said, I can see how it’s a game-changer for folks with disabilities or really young kids. My kids are old enough now that I can threaten them with taking away their electronics to elicit acceptable behavior. When they were like 3 months - 3 years old, I would have … Done something drastic for the chance to not take them inside stores

ohhhhh. they deliver groceries for free. you just gotta buy a certain amount and schedule a time. it’s amazing what rapid changes happened since covid hit.

I’m moderately paranoid and don’t want lots of people I don’t know to know where I live. You probably should be too

Hasn’t really affected me since I got multiple promotions/raises in the past couple years, but if I had to pin where it has affected me, it’d be in housing prices. I’d buy a house but the markets nuts atm. Also, the price of food has gone way up. ■■■■■■■ rib eyes going for $22/lb. I used to buy several at a time when they were on sale for ~$6/lb and stick them in the freezer, maybe 3-4 years ago. Don’t see that anymore. Also, I’ve gone skiing maybe 5 weekends so far this season, and the gas prices are killer, as are hotel prices (maybe ~$50 or more for gas, and ~$120-$160 for a hotel for a night). I don’t see how middle class people, or families with kids, are supposed to go skiing at all.

Where do you go?

Ive got an ikon pass so all around new hampshire/vermont/maine. You?

ahhh back in my day. i would go to vegas 10 weekends per year. saving lotta money w/o baegassss

And what, pray tell, drew you to vegas

well im fresh.
im hood.
and i look good.

sin city amirite


I stopped buying cashew nuts and started buying sunflower seeds instead. Suck on that, inflation.

i quit pistachios. thats for ballers only.