How many coffees a day?

You see STL, this is the one that bothers me.

You should really pay attention to punctuation. Something so small can make a really big difference. Like the time the wife texted the guy, “not getting any, better come home soon.”

Should have been, “not getting any better, come home soon.”

What’s STL?

There are worse things to confuse than punctuation. You know the direct translation of “hand-made” from Russian? Substitute “made” with “job”. Can be pretty embarrasing I must say.

I think he was talking to Sweep the Leg

one big dog in the AM.

i like my coffee like my women…strong and black

^ LOL!

Never drank coffee but I should start. I’m exhausted by the end of the day.

I was drinking about 3 espresso shots a day but I quit cold turkey Monday…

Once coffee starts to do nothing for me and I have to have it to feel normal that’s when i quit and reset…

BUT something I absolutely love is Bronkaid or Primatene (ephedrine).

1 cup at home, then maybe a second at work (usually decaf). Might have a soft drink mid afternoon if I’m feeling saucy, but that’s about it.

I’m disappointed. I was expecting that all of you would say "coffee? this is for the weak, we are supermen and can control our desires’

on the subject, I drink 1 in the morning, 1 after lunch. Sometimes just 1 in the morning. Still I want to cut to zero, but it is hard.

I suppose, ephedrine is illegal in the US and you have to take cough/asthma medicine to get some for your cardio workout?


Tea in the morning, then after lunch, 3rd one around 4-5pm and 4th after dinner. Drink Iced tea or coffee when I’m dinning out. Tried replacing post-lunch tea with green tea but it didn’t go well for my stomach

Morning tea at 6 AM is a must for me.

Same problems as Itera and I switched to Green tea (with organic honey sometimes)… Take couple of Coffees when attending social functions with family or dining out…

I dont drink caffeine, period. If you need to rely on artificial stimulants to make it through the day, that is a defined weakness.

And almost on cue, my water bottle arrives! Thanks Chad! I can now carry my water around with me proudly!!!

I have not gotten my koozies yet :confused:

Why are you guys trying to cut back on coffee? Coffee is awesome, and good for you.

Enjoy, just don’t put hot water into it. Mine is slightly warped because I didn’t notice that the office water “cooler” was stuck on hot one day. angry

I like my coffee like I like my women.

Without a penis.