How many hours - in last 20 days for L1 ?

How many hours in total u spent to earn L1 Pass? Especially in last 20 days?

As many as possible. Eat, sleep, and Breath it. Start hammering question after question too, you should be all done reading for the most part.

120 (6hrs a day)

Over 100. For the three weeks leading up to the exam, I did 31, 35, and 50. Took that final week completely off of work of course.

I took last week before the exam off and studied 10 hours a day the last 9 days, and the other 11 days after work from 8 till 12 or 1am. So 6 hours sleep. but sometimes I took a powernap just after diner for about 20 till 30 min. and before that I don’t know how much time I spend but I had read all the schweser stuff. never touched the CFAI books.