Let’s hear your plans for the next month… Me: The 3 Schweser Practice exams in Volume 1 3 CFAI Samples 1 CFAI Mock BSAS So that’s 8 or about 2/week. I’d be interested to hear if people are planning on doing all of Volume 2 aka Book 7. Thanks
No volume 2 for me. My plan is to do as many volume 1 as timer permits - I did my first one today and the score tells me that I’ve got lots of work ahead of me. When reviewing these, you want to make sure you understand what went wrong so the same mistake won’t be repeated on June 6. I’ll also do the following: CFAI samples for sure CFAI mock for sure BSAS (if time permits, although I’ve already paid for it). Having it mailed, did not sit in.
what is BSAS?
As many as time permits. I would put memory retention as priority though.
The 3 Schweser Practice exams in Volume 1 3 CFAI Samples 1 CFAI Mock
BSAS = Boston Security Analyst Society
I would try to do Volume 1 Schweser, sample exams from CFAI and may be BSAS
BSAS CFA Mock 3 Sample CFA 3 Schewer book volume 1 last week b4 exam do the CFAI and Scheswer exames, 1 a day and review what i got wrong at night. The plan is… Week 1- Next week review FSA, Equity, Ethnics, Corporate finance (in that order). Next Saterday BSAS, sunday review weakness from BSAS Week 2- Redo all Schweser end of capter q’s Week 3 - review notes (i got 2 note book of notes), do 1 schweser n 1 CFAI sample Week 4 - week off from work, beginning saterday do 1 pratice exam a day and review at night weakness. last 2 days b4 exam review notes.
at the current pace, i’ll be done going over the material around may 27th so, from there on i’ll be doing practice exams and reviewing them…going over the material again, over and over… for level one i’ve done around 5 to 7…
is there only one mock and one sample exam for CFA? Is BSAS worth $150?
Just finished the last of Schweser Practice Exams V1 Still to do V2 (as much as I can) and CFAI Mock
Schweser Vol. 1, Stalla practice exams, CFAI samples, mock and BSAS mock. I go for just about everything I can get my hands on.
I believe trick is in reviewing your mistakes after each exam not only in attempting tons of exams. For that matter, you need to do exams as early as possible.
I’ve just done my first exam. The BSAS 2008 morning session. It made me realize I’m clueless on several portions of the material. Pension obligation stuff? I was guessing most of the time. FCF calculations? Somehow I keep messing them up. Portfolio management? Guessing 100% of the time. Ethics? Never looked at the material so I was semi-guessing (did L1 in december so huge parts were still somewhere in my brain…) So I scored a mere 60% with a lot of guesses. The only part I’m confident about is Derivatives. Unfortunately that’s just a small portion of the exam… Nonetheless I think we all here will pass this thing. We still have four weeks and there are only 3 answer choices. So if you only know 50% of the exam for sure. You will still score 50% + 33% * 50% = 67% which should be enough to pass. The odds change if you can at least weed out one possible answer. In conclusion: We will all pass! Let’s get a beer.
Wow. Thats good news. A lot of relief! The only problem is how does one pass with 67%? Though 76% is a sure shot!
7 more days of preparation and then I have will have to start taking exams no matter how unprepared I am. Planning to start with Schwser exam (Book-6), then samples, then mocks and then the final deal.
1 CFAI Mock 3 CFAI Samples 3 Stalla Practice Exams 1 Stalla Mock
quick question - is CFA Mock suppose to be harder then CFA sample?
3 Schweser 3 CFAI Samples 1 CFAI Mock I agree w Geranimo. I’m giong over what I got wrong and really trying to understand where I f’d up. In conjunction with the exams I am using Schweser’s Qbank. If I can get my hands on any other exams I will do those as well…Possibly Schweser Book 2. Good luck everyone.
Book1 All CFAI exams Review missed problems, problems I just guessed right, and any I circled while doing my initial post exam review. Will review questions from end of chapters from both Schweser and CFAI. Then done.