How Much $$ Do You Make?

25 yrs old w/ 3yrs experience. 2yrs was at a large HF in the back office and about 1 yr as a Investment Analyst for Hedge Funds at large FoHF. I make about 85k. I’m pretty sure i’m underpaid, prolly should be making about 100k, hopefully my boss and I are going to have a chat come December!

23 years. eat&live in my parents house. After pass Level 1, I went to Kuala Lumpur search for jobs, but since I’m a foreigner and no experience, there’s no way to find a decent job. Few other firms offered me a place, and my GF wanted me to work whatever industry is, but I just want to do Finance. stupid huh? So now I’m back to Beijing, hopefully find a Finance job here after L2. If I can’t do Finance, I’ll start a band and see you guys on MTV.

1.5 years corporate finance experience, about 75K before I quite to go back to school, you guys are scaring me with these lowball #'s.

it also depends on where you live. 150k in california = 50k in south dakota or at least it feels like it.

4 yrs experience, about 80k w/ bonus last year…got a nice raise w/ a promotion @ the beginning of the year, so hopefully about 90-95 this year. started out in a hedge fund accounting role and now do performance measurement for a well respected global asset manager.

Yeah, mine was in NJ, somewhat pricey.

CFA is barrier to promotion…thus my FSA-humping at 11:30pm on a Saturday night. Similar #'s to Smarshy

I live in the Philly burbs but work in our Wilmington office…so wages def. adjusted down from NYC

I’m going to school in philly ng30, shoot me an email, it’d be cool to meet up, are you sitting for the exam in Philly?

I’m shocked that most of the posts show a lack of a bonus component to their salary. I’m pretty much guaranteed a min of 15% but I’ve been hitting 25% for the last few years.

who was asking about wanting to be a trader, here is a good view:

nova, I included bonus in my #…it was about 50% this year. Swan, just sent you an email.