How old are you?


  1. Preaching and schooling others can even be done by people who themselves havent achieved much in life

  2. When I went on a rant against the CFA program, I threatened those people who have their sense of self worth built upon the CFA alone and hence I was met with such strong aggressive reactions

See this is very common here. If I had taken L1 in December then I wouldā€™ve given L3 this year too.

If I remember this in a couple of years and we both still use AF, Iā€™ll tell you what can or cannot be achieved. Your idea of just getting degrees and achieving success automatically is quite hollow. I have to reiterate again but I never said CFA guarantees success, itā€™s what you do with it and your own skills. You werenā€™t exactly ranting but demeaning the entire course and what it may be worth to other people. Iā€™ve seen people achieve great things in life with mere degrees and people with ā€œCAā€ along their name earning minimal. There is one who is a normal employee and there is one who is major holder of a company and they both are CAs. So, you associating success with any great degrees or certifications is purely your own fault. You take great pride with your top 3 IIT and IIM, what have you achieved being from those top 3 colleges? You are just sulking here.

For the record, my brother was one of the 1/100 too yet it didnā€™t do any miracle for him. He worked hard and now he is living a successful life in the US.

So my friend, stop whining. Be it standalone CAs/ CFAs, or multiple degree holders, it wonā€™t do anything unless you do something.

Then again, point 1. I do appreciate what youā€™ve got to say, just not the tone in which you do it. Itā€™s coming from a hollow place of non-experience. Youā€™ve still got a lot of world to see, my kiddo friend.

35 years young

This part is so true though. I remember when I started working in fintech at 23ā€¦ Thought I was hot sht, now I know iā€™m not sht.

  1. Should have done this a few years back.

im 35 and losing my memory. I also have a full time job, a wife and 2 kids, a needy dog, a mortgage, am somewhat chubby, balding and studying for Level 3. If I can manage all of this, so can you. Iā€™m not special, so Iā€™m told. Just sayin.

What other excuses do you give in life?

Weā€™re all going to make it Brah.

PS: heard youā€™re a b!tchā€¦??

In my 29th year of life

(aka Iā€™m 28)

26 started a year too late


New wave of LIII AFers are certainly an interesting bunchā€¦

Just this one

I just turned 23ā€¦ but I am working. CFA is conceptual nothing substitutes experience in my mind.

Lowering the bar or raising it?

Thanks for the feedback.


Could have done L3 at 27 (passed L2 at 26), but decided to focus on work. I feel a little bit rustyā€¦ I will need your help guys.

Lots of arguing about career paths in India is all Iā€™ve noticed for the last 3 days. Iā€™m pretty sure most of you are using the dark side of the force from what Iā€™ve seen.

^agreed. This L3 forum has gone to s***.