How to apply for scholarship?

Hey! I just failed my level 1 exams , but however I’m trying to give it in Feb 2022 .
I want to apply for the women’s scholarship that is available for us but while writing an scholarship letter should we have to mention about the failing of level 1 exams in the letter?
Also what kind of documents should we have to submit?

Greetings! I would call the Institute directly to discuss applying for a scholarship. They are happy to help answer your questions and they are the best folks to do so.

When you apply, it will be attached to your CFA candidate number. They will see all your exam history corresponding to that number whether you disclose it in your letter or not. I would talk to the Insitite by phone about their process and criteria etc. You don’t need to mention your exam history in the call, but you can ask generally how does the scholarship work if recipients eventually need to retake levels. That will get at your question generally and they will answer it for you. They are an open door for such questions and you aren’t hurting yourself by calling them. In any case they eventually will know your exam history regardless if you apply, whether you disclose it or not.

Cheers - good luck - you got this :+1:

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