i don’t know about you but the tendency is to get fatigued and worn out completely as we do the laps. As many as may want to can share ideas on how they keep strong and going physically emotionally and also the mind set. I need them and I believe others do too. together we stand…
maintain a decent study:play ratio throughout your time cramming. if you’re working, it’s definitely difficult, but i like to reward every 10 hours of study with a decent 1-2 hours of sports or partying (not too much of course).
Push ups and sit-ups. As many as you can as often as once every fifteen or twenty minutes while studying.
I think about about studying L2 again next year and that gives me the extra push to keep going. I’ll rest on June 8th.
is red bull ok? has it got side effects?
Other than tasting like crap and making you feel all loopy I’m pretty sure it’s fine. (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is an unqualified personal opinion. I don’t drink the stuff because it makes my hands shake, brain not work, and generally tastes terrible)
i definitely prefer coffee…
a dozen Mountain Dews…just be sure you don’t keep 'em going all night long, you’ll never fall asleep.
Yea… I tend to stick to triple-shot lattes at Starbucks. That 35c savings with the registered starbucks card is going to save me thousands…
They’ve been giving me my drinks for free at my starbucks since Feb, its so clutch.
wtf how did you hook that up? I could lease a car with my monthly starbucks bills… Do tell
I go there literally every day after work as well as weekends and sit and study and I just made sure to learn all their names and say hey. So they started giving me these free drinks about every other time I’d go in, it was mainly the one manager that would just give me drinks on the house, so I brought in some giftcards I got a division meetings around the holidays for movies and restaurants that I won’t use cause all I do is study and I gave them to the manager and the 2 employees that were there, worth probably 60 bucks in total and just told them that I got them for free and wouldn’t get the chance to use them. And ever since I get all my drinks and occasionally food for free. They even gave me a stack of these free drink coupons they give customers that complain so that if another manager’s on or I go to another starbucks I get free drinks. Sometimes I get like 3-4 free drinks a day like on a saturday. I always get the same drink so, sometimes I’ll walk in and setup my table and they just bring it over to me, its crazy. If you’re located in Jersey, let me know and I’ll tell you were the starbucks is, I’m sure if you drop in occasionally they’ll hook you up too.
I’m so happy I don’t drink coffee. The only thing that gets me going is the thought of repaying and restudying all this load of cr*p. Otherwise, regular exercise can do miracles (says the man who hasn’t jogged or played soccer for 3 weeks)
I have bookmarked the ‘failed’ thread after last year’s results and read that once in a while to get me going. I’m so hoping that the regulars here all promote to the L3 forum next year… can’t stand the idea of having to do this one again. I want my McPass, CFA business card at the end of 2009!!!
Haha… I’ll be waiting a couple more years for the charter even if (when) I pass L2 this summer and L3 next summer. Guess I will have to do CAIA after if i want fancy shmancy letters after my name before I get the charter… haha. And no I’m nowhere near Jersey unfortunately.
^^^ 36 months for me if I go 2 for 2. After passing L3, I will be done with certifications. A MBA a few years down the road is all I am planning (at least at this point in my life).
man i have just worked for 10 hrs yesterday… i m so freaking tired lucky i m ahead of my study schedule
luckly I haven’t done a lot of studying so … I guess there is your answer … start late and you won’t have the time to burn out
Even I was slaughtered at work today with all the production issues popping up and all those ops people running over me to get a fix/patch as soon as I can. Hence I decided to take a day off from CFA studies. Just had dinner from a nice restro ‘UNO Chicago Grill’ nearby and hogged on Buff Chick Calamari with a diet cola **burp burp** and finally as an very addictive habit logged onto AF to read those bedtime ¡¥calculator¡¦ stories (on that other thread). Tell me about burnouts, grrrrr, I don¡¦t think there is any much sole burnt more than me So to answer your very 1st question of burnout, all you need is a day’s rest, away from those CFA books and then the next-day is all yours. I don’t think not studying for a day will be detrimental to our upcoming success on the 7th, instead, I feel the rest-taken will act as a catalyst to alleviate studying the next day. But a sure shot disclaimer, if you decide not to study for a day or 2, don’t login to AF (as this will make your life miserable and the guilt will catch you by your neck). Well, tomorrow is another day. Glad that I did not study today, much needed rest before I knock down the time-series reading.
Yuck time-series sucks. I’m not looking forward to re-reading/reviewing/more problems on that stuff in a couple of weeks. Good advice dinesh! A day off can work wonders if you have been going hard… just make sure it doesnt turn into 4 or 5 days off. That can be the difference this late in the game for sure.