How to calculate market cap?

Hello. I am a little amateur on all this so i would like your help. I would like to find the monthly market cap for a company. How do i calculate it and where do i find the information i need ?

Welcome to AF! A company’s market capitalization is calculated by multiplying its share price by the total number of shares outstanding. Specifically, I prefer using the diluted shares outstanding since that figures takes into account the impact of dilution from options and warrants.

Yes i understand that. But if i want to calculate the average market cap for a year where do i find the information?

The share prices can be pulled from sites like Yahoo Finance and the shares outstanding can be pulled from a company’s historical financial statements. Historical financial statements can typically be found on the company’s web site or on their security regulator’s web site. For example, in the US all public companies must file their financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission via EDGAR.

Οκ. Thanks a lot for your time. Have a good month!