How would you Celebrate passing CFA L2 ?

Good luck to everyone!

Says Waldo Hussain, or Saddam Hussain or wahtever… the terrorist jihad dude

I smell a ban…



Update my AF status! WOOT.

Im still interested to know why it is exactly that you feel there is nothing to celebrate in passing Level 2…

To the victor, go the spoils!!

I may go renegade and update my status tonight…controversial?

There is nothing to celebrate until you can put CFA on your name, that means two things: passing all exams AND having the required 4 years experience… ONLY then can you celebrate.

I know from experience, I was in your shoes.

Your employer will not give a **** if you pass level 2 (trust me)… understand that today… so you don’t waste your time/energy etc. at making the CFA exams something they’re NOT

Again, it’s an accomplishment and good for you for moving forward – just nothing to celebrate yet.

HAHA Best post yet!


I’m stupid. You’re smart. I was wrong. You were right. You’re the best. I’m the worst. You’re very good-looking. I’m not attractive.

brah, life’s too short. We all worked hard, if we pass we celebrate, we fail we celebrate, because screw it bro. We’re alive and we had the balls to try and take this big *** exam.

you saying that having level 3 candidate on youir resume vs. level 2 candidate makes zero difference on your resume in terms of getting noticed by employers for interviews etc.? bruh please. it’s not so black and white all the time.

Yes, I work at one of the big ibanks in Tel Aviv and it really is just like that here and Wall Street.

Don’t take my word for it… wait and see, then give credit to where it’s due (you’re welcome in advanced)

You’re an idiot.

Without experience, I don’t think you can expect to compete for a (related) job unless it’s entry-level. It might be easier to maneuver with the CFA program on your resume, but it also would depend on the quality of your work experience, too, I imagine.

your general pessimism based on your experience makes sense considering you’re in IB… the charter doesn’t carry much weight in IB, at least in the states. And, I doubt that all of the people you’re bickering with on this thread are in IB. Hence, your experience =/= what the people here will experience if they pass. Carry on.

tickersu Jul 27th, 2015 8:52am wrote:

“I’m more on the side of enjoying your life, irrespective of “good” and “bad” outcomes. Whether you pass or fail, you should have the same amount of fun. This is just an exam. If you pass, then celebrate that you’ve gotten something to show for your efforts. If you fail, then who cares, go have fun. You’ve already put down a foundation for the next attempt.”

I think I might have adopted the same perspective. I decided after the exam that I would like to invite my partner for a dinner in a Michelin two star rated restaurant - whatever the outcome would be. If I fail we would still have an enjoyable evening together. If I pass we would have an even better evening and we would also be looking forward to a Michelin three star dinner in case I would be successful with respect to level III…

Kind regards, Mens.

I’ve passed all the exams, bud - my experience and input is invaluable to level 2 candidates – I only wish people said it like it is back when I was writing the exams.

Best said & best of luck to you, +1

IBanking…great. That’s one division of finance, and not even one the CFA curriculum caters too. I can assure you it will make a difference when looking to land Equity Research associate roles, b/c I know people that got jobs only after they passed their Level 2…