Hypothesis Tests

I would like to know if anyone has come across a question(s) with t-statistic on Equality of the population means of two normally distributed populations, based on independent radom samples. Also for Mean Diferences of two normaly distributed populations(paired comparison tests). Going through my Quants and they sound a little like greek. should i be worried?

I have not come across any plug and chug variety… come across some theoretical stuff I just remember for both the difference of means and mean differences we use the t test… for testing sample with population variance use chi-square and n-1 df, sample variance in Num and pop variance in Denom. for testing sample variances from indep pop use F test - the bigger value goes on Num and smalled value on Denom. actual formulae for df and test statistic - I just remember the concept… I just hope that formulae will not be tested, just the concept…

I don’t think those are likely to be there…