I am Getting Jacked by HR

why the threat of violence Deebo!! No ones scared of you anyways

you just unlocked the purpose of this entire thread

You’re too much of a pussy to confront someone so you have to come to this shit hole and cry like a little bitch. Anytime you need something to really cry about, just let me know. I’ll be over to give you the size 13 stomping you deserve. Now where you at sissy boy?

thank you for the last paragraph Akanska…You gave instruction on what to do followed by a stern warning…I can respect that…

Now thats a template the rest of you regents can follow

Where are the moderators Deebo is crossing the line!!! Help!!!

I fail to see how anyone on this board rules during the minority, absence, or disability of a monarch.

Haha, this stormy character is hilarious. You think it’s real?

So let’s say purealpha was making 80k per year (round numbers). He stole 90 days of pay so that is 20k. If you walk into a Best Buy and steal an iPad you are going to do some time. Imagine walking out the door with 20k of merchandise?

If he was endorsing checks that were mailed to him I think an 8-12 stretch in a Federal Pound You in the AZZ prison is an acceptable punishment. Let guys with teardrop tattoos trade his cornhole for cigarettes.

If it was direct deposit if he is living in a liberal state he can always plead ignorance, that seems to work well. “I’m sorry agent it was the weirdest thing. I wasn’t employed by them but for some reason they kept depositing money into my checking account every two weeks…”

blake is pretty awesome…

Yeah purealpha is kinnda messed up

I dont’ know… I’m starting to detect a QQQBEE-esque type of response pattern by OP, but it’s too arrogant. qqqbee was more humble.

They do both share a passion in fighting for hopeless causes though

Could it be Phillip Platt is back?


  1. You’re an accountant. One that does not understand the basics of transaction law / corporate ethics. This generally does not end well for your kind.

  2. The day I take advice on proper analysis from an accountant will be the same day Blake and I publically acknowledge that we only pick on each other because we secretly like each other so much. Actually wait, nevermind that last part, forget I ever mentioned it.

  3. Even if I took your advice and started popping CFAvMBA’s oxypowder, it would only increase my presence on this thread since surfing AF from the crapper is one of the few simple joys I have in life.

Anyhow, I am having a hard time imagining what your whiney peon state employed accountant @ss is still crying about. You’re still moaning on and on about people hijacking “your” thread and trying to be all rough and rowdy about it long after the people have spoken their respective opinions. The annoymous characters of AF had weighed in. There’s not going to be further in depth discussion on this simple dilema. There’s not going to be a flood of new developments. Make your decision based on whatever dumb criteria you come up with, and stop whining. Jaysus, we’re talking about six weeks of entry level pay here, not $3MM in vested options. Just return the new Playstation you bought and pay it back.

Yea OP, you know your cause is lost when Blake is actually on the same side as us

yo, quit being a lil b!tch and pay the money back.

You made a mistake and got caught, now its time to deal with the consequences, you are lucky you are still employed. Also quit focusing on what other people do and take responsiblity for yourself.