I can't stand it anymore

Can’t seem to get myself interested in attempting more review problems for the final 3 hours of studying for today. I just don’t care anymore…i think 95% of my fate is already determined at this point…

Eminen says… You’d better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you’d better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo I really need some better study music…

I’ve been watching Man vs. Food all day. I still have a lot of my notes to review, but I just don’t really think it matters at this point, and I know what I’ll know.

That show is sick…did you watch him eat that 2 gallon of ice cream yesterday? I did…it was a good study break!

i printed all my notes off yesterday after having put it off for so long…and now i cant bring myself to even read through it all as i fear it will make me panic about how much material there is. just want to get this over with now. debating whether or not to study tomorrow or just take it easy. whats everyone else gonna do?

batgirl4ever Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Eminen says… > > > You’d better lose yourself in the music, the > moment > You own it, you’d better never let it go > You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to > blow > This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo > > I really need some better study music… lol I got Shook Ones by Mobb Deep and pretend the shook ones are the unprepared candidates.

Push it to the limit… Not doing this again… Fighting all the way. Just memorized six pages of neumonics. 3 more to go.

Have to agree with you on doesn’t matter at this point. If u don’t know it know its too late at this point.

Never too late. Can always look for easy ways to pick up points. At this point I’ve given up so much, what is a few more hours? Keep fighting.

I’d be extremely pissed if I had to sacrifice another 2 weeks of vacation time next year, keep fighting the good fight.

For me, it’s not whether I know it or not. It’s whether I remember it.

afjunkie_999 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Have to agree with you on doesn’t matter at this > point. If u don’t know it know its too late at > this point. totally disagree. there are always extra points to be had. I’ve done nothing but questions today (and 2009 mock) and will do 2008 mock tomorrow and review. there is ALWAYS something you can learn, even if its just in short term memory for 24 hours.

I only have short term memory. Anything over a week old has already faded.

builders Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > afjunkie_999 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Have to agree with you on doesn’t matter at > this > > point. If u don’t know it know its too late at > > this point. > > totally disagree. > > there are always extra points to be had. I’ve done > nothing but questions today (and 2009 mock) and > will do 2008 mock tomorrow and review. there is > ALWAYS something you can learn, even if its just > in short term memory for 24 hours. Yes, but there is also a lot of points to be lost by not being sharp. I’ll do the 2010 mock tomorrow morning, then I’m pretty much signing off on the studying so I can get some relaxation in before the test.

sbmarti2 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > builders Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > afjunkie_999 Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Have to agree with you on doesn’t matter at > > this > > > point. If u don’t know it know its too late > at > > > this point. > > > > totally disagree. > > > > there are always extra points to be had. I’ve > done > > nothing but questions today (and 2009 mock) and > > will do 2008 mock tomorrow and review. there is > > ALWAYS something you can learn, even if its > just > > in short term memory for 24 hours. > > Yes, but there is also a lot of points to be lost > by not being sharp. I’ll do the 2010 mock > tomorrow morning, then I’m pretty much signing off > on the studying so I can get some relaxation in > before the test. im working out tomorrow AM. then i have to go into work for 3 hours. then i will do 2008 mock, and then just light review thereafter until bed.

sbmarti2 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > builders Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > afjunkie_999 Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Have to agree with you on doesn’t matter at > > this > > > point. If u don’t know it know its too late > at > > > this point. > > > > totally disagree. > > > > there are always extra points to be had. I’ve > done > > nothing but questions today (and 2009 mock) and > > will do 2008 mock tomorrow and review. there is > > ALWAYS something you can learn, even if its > just > > in short term memory for 24 hours. > > Yes, but there is also a lot of points to be lost > by not being sharp. I’ll do the 2010 mock > tomorrow morning, then I’m pretty much signing off > on the studying so I can get some relaxation in > before the test. Send me mock please theparaguay@yahoo.com

Pretty much done myself. Gotta say. I’m not feeling great, but ready to knock it out!!! Good Luck from Montana AF!!!

rojomc4@yahoo.com can i get the 2010 mock? please…

Going to do 3 things tomorrow and force myself to just close the books… 1. IPS return calculation 2007-2010 2. WACC adjustment more time 3. GIPS for 2 hours.

i seem to remember reading in the CFA materials somewhere that even CFAI recommends only light ethics reading on the last day my mom has a cute story of completely bombing out on her orals. she had crammed for them, it was like round 6 of applied maths, and she got up there and couldnt answer 1 single question. fortunately, her proctors / committee knew her well, and just sent her home to get some sleep. came back the next day and killed it. here is the problem w. doing real studying on the last day: anything you find that you don’t know, will just cause a panic. my plan is to read ethics, have a glass of wine, and try to get to bed at a decent hour. i’m going in to work just so that I DONT end up freaking out and trying to cram all day.