I guess I am really late..wot say u?

Hi…I registered for Level 1 June 09…but one thing led to the other and then the recession in the job market…slogging to keep your job…I havent strated to study yet …but can study rigorously (5-6 hrs a day) for the coming 2 months…would you advise me to give it a shot or just leave it this time and take it up in dec 09…seeking your genuine and friendly advises

I am not finance background and am an average mind

Reschedule for Dec. Prepare hard!!! Give your best shot!!!

70days x 5hours = 350 hours. That should be enough. I say go for it. You paid for the exam already anyway.

You can’t reschedule for December anyway, but if you have 5-6 hours per day and can use that effectively, you should be alright if you use your time wisely. Good luck!

Mann…if u go for it…and clear ull be the one ill look up…M giving in December

Just consider that if you take the December exam and pass you’ll most likely want to take the Level II that summer as well. Upon finding out if you passed out not you’re left with roughly 4.5 months to study. You paid for it and you still have ~2.5 months left so go for it! You’ll see similar threads all the way through April.

With (5-6 hrs a day) you have time. L1 has a lot of redundant material from undergrad courses, so its the easiest exam to pass if you get a late start studying.

JonnyDee Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > With (5-6 hrs a day) you have time. L1 has a lot > of redundant material from undergrad courses, so > its the easiest exam to pass if you get a late > start studying. I definitely agree. I breezed through equities in a much shorter time than I had originally planned because of my undergrad studies and some of my job experience.

@Chuckrox08 post …Upon finding out if you passed out Hopefully this wont happen.

Be careful. 5-6 hours a day could burn you out quickly.

agree with hank. tough to put in long study days consistently. also, there’s a diminshing value in terms of retention if you are trying to plow through material quickly. you’re better off focusing on ‘quality’ hours as opposed to quantity. definitely important to know when to take break, walk away, and recharge the batteries. consistency is paramount, at times easier said that done. G.Luck.

I’d have to disagree with Hank Scorpio and jpgrandits, although I can see there point. I have been doing 5 - 8 hours of studying per day since January, although the first 2 months were on completing the CSC and CPH. If you have motivation and can lay out an effective study schedule, you can finish the curriculum by mid April and still have tons of time for review. I’m not saying its the best method, but it is plausible. The retention is the key worry, however, so do lots of questions.

This is a no brainer. You’ve already paid for the June exam and you’re not getting your money back. Study as much as you can. Go into the exam and give it your best shot. Best case scenario, you pass. Worst case scenario, you fail, but you now have the experience of taking the exam, and about 2 1/2 months of study under your belt. You’ll be that much better off when you re-take it in December. Besides, if you just say you’ll wait till December and take it, you’re only going to procrastinate more from now until then. Nothing personal, but I never understood people who paid for the exam, but don’t bother to show up.

cfaprep09 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am not finance background and am an average mind You’ll be fine if you can stick 5-6 hours a day from here forward.