I passed!

Call your score. Quant - L2 Pass.

QuantJock_MBA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Call your score. > > Quant - L2 Pass. What?

results out yet?

I call my score “Eddy”…here Eddy, c’mon boy. Jump over the 70 level Eddy, you can do it… 6 days, tic toc…

I call my score faily, c’mon faily, oh ooops, too many bs memorization qs you fail faily, see you again in March

I shall dub my score barelypassedbytheseatofmylastminutestudyingpants.

Results online now! I read Congrats…woohoo!!

i was pretty sure i would fail but still passed. whew. any idea whats the pass rate? or will we only find out in 7 days

Made it too! Do you know if the two professional references must be CAIA members??

Passed! Curious about my score ranges…

So I submitted my payment and references and viola, I was approved. “Congratulations! The Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association has approved your membership application. You are now a member of the CAIA Association in good standing, and you have earned the right to use the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst designation - the Global Mark of Distinction in Alternative Investments. CAIA Designation: You may now use the CAIA designation after your name on your business cards, e-signature, letterhead, marketing materials, and more. You may also now refer to yourself as a CAIA member or CAIA designee.” Does this mean I can throw CAIA after my name??

Well as i expected i did not get through. Would like to get through on my 1st attempt. Anybody know which chapter have been added/deleted for the march 2011 exam.

Congratulations to those who passed. Unfortunately I failed and I’m now questioning whether I’ll try again. I’ve always said the advantage of doing courses souch as the CAIA or the CFA as opposed to say a Master’s degree is that you can study in your own time and do it at a relatively low opportunity cost. Unfortunately the flip side is that if you don’t pass all you’ve got to show for your time and effort are some used textbooks and flashcards.

^gregoirepost = no, they don’t…and they said they normally don’t contact them unless they are doing an audit.

Congratulations to those who passed. vazza i second that. where did u write ur exam. me too i am wondering, i guess i might give it another shot.

I also passed…glad that’s over with! Good luck to those who passed and also to those who will write again.

congrats guys

Passed. Wish everyone the best of luck in their ongoing ventures.

Failed FML. Guess the prep starts now for CAIA Level II round II. That last test was just unfair, but this shiit is still easier than CFA Level II, and like Vazza I want something to show for it. I know I can pass the stupid CAIA, CFA I may try for 20 years and have nothing to show.

Passed. I’m glad this over. CFA level II here I come. Can’t wait… Good luck to everyone.