I predict

Weird, the French health minister, Olivier Véran, claimed in March that the masks were completely useless. So did the Finnish government. Sweden’s take was basically that we are ■■■■■■ either way so let’s not do anything. At least WHO was consistent with their guidance through out the pandemic…not

It’s really easy being a Monday morning quarterback

He didn’t ban travel; he restricted it. Over the next 30 days (if I recall correctly), 240,000 people came to the US from China; clearly, it wasn’t a ban.

Perhaps you’re recalling Biden’s comment about Trump being xenophobic.

That had nothing to do with the travel restriction.

I haven’t noticed anyone here saying that we would have done just fine.

Where did you hear that?

Nice job buddy, let’s debate the difference between “ban” and “restriction”. Tell me then, wasn’t the restriction not viewed as racist back then? Or would you say that Trump’s decision of trying to limit the travel from China was viewed positively? And wouldn’t you now, with the benefit of hindsight, say that Trump should have restricted the traveling even more?

Okay, for sure. So, Trump issues travel restriction on China and little later Biden says that Trump is fear-mongering against foreigners. I guess you could make the point that he didn’t address the travel restriction per se. Considering the timing of Biden’s comments, I’m sure he was referring to Trump’s attitudes towards Mexicans. My apologies and tanks for making me see the light.

You seem to be a person that has extreme difficulties understanding tones, subtle message and reading between the lines.

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Trump isn’t president anymore, idk why y’all are still licking his boots.

This inability to live in the real world is EXACTLY why Trump lost the presidency by 7 MILLION votes.

In regards to death by covid and US response:

STAT news: faster response could have prevented most US deaths

Here’s what Trump could have done differently:

Start a “100 Days Masking Challenge,” calling for a nationwide face mask and social distancing mandate in federal buildings, on federal lands and by federal employees and contractors.

Restructure federal government coordination to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Biden White House is bringing back an Obama-era position called the “Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense,” which was organized with additional staff within the National Security Council after the 2014 Ebola epidemic. This directorate office was dispersed into other roles during the Trump administration, but Biden and his campaign advisers argued the move decreased the preparedness of the federal government for the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Biden will also formally implement a “response coordinator” who will report to the president on vaccine, testing and personal protective equipment production, supply, and distribution. Mr. Biden has appointed Jeff Zients, who has been overseeing Mr. Biden’s COVID-19 team for the presidential transition.

Rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO), which the Trump administration was in the process of leaving. Mr. Biden is also looking to re-establish the U.S. as an active leader at the WHO.

Yeah, just for record, I’m not in any shape or form licking his boots. I said quite clearly he was a disaster.

You aint the boot licker here my man. Keep on keeping on

Get your head out of your @ss. I don’t know where that magic number 100 came from.Why not a 99 day mask challenge or a 200 day mask challenge? What evidence do we have that masks prevent the spread of Covid19 (not talking about N95,just the plain cloths people use).

Trump was/is mostly an idiot when it comes to anything related to COVID19,but the Democrats didn’t offer any alternatives besides locking people up.

Let’s not.

He let people in; that’s not a ban.

Some people probably viewed it as racist; others didn’t. Neither view establishes that it was or was not, in fact, racist.

Sounds like a false dichotomy.

Without the benefit of hindsight I thought that he should have restricted travel even more.

What difference does what I think about it make?

Tank the almighty for your swift response dir sir.

■■■■ dude – you don’t understand germ theory. I might need to get my head out of my ass, but you need to get out of that cave

Tank god sir.
I train at Tompkins Sq park,perfected the art of muscle ups.

You do know that covid19 is a virus and NOT a germ right?
What do they teach kids these days?

Pretty sure you didn’t even read the studies and just Googled “Mask+Covid19+Benefits” as some of those “studies” you cited contradicted your claim.

You nailed it. Good job.

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Could have been slightly difficult since there weren’t, in certain cases, enough masks even for frontline workers.

This looks more like a PR “challenge” than an actual solution.

One wonders: why weren’t there?

■■■■ dude, I’ve read a lot of stupid things on this website, but you really should be smarter than this.

No clue. And that’s a very good question. How can it be that the large majority of so called rich countries lacked basic (and cheap before pandemic) equipment? And like right away too…not after months of fighting the pandemic. I mean, in France we were sewing our own masks in the spring and the hospitals were washing their n95s. Unbelievable.
I’d say that the reason lies in the human tendency to inadequately prepare for tail events.
What do you think is the reason?