I went to a fortune teller...

Did you guys read the Latest NEWS?? “Fortune teller’s business all over the world has been on a steep increase since the number of students signing up for CFA exams is on a increase” CFA is helping to revive the economy! Wooo Hooo!!

Its bad luck to be superstitious. Enough said.

HIV test joke is funny…i likey…

Maybe but on second thought I kinda wish I hadn’t made a joke about HIV. Sorry if I offended anyone with that. I don’t think there is much funny about HIV.

Go back to the fortune teller, tell them this is the most important test in your whole life (except for level 2 and 3), and that you will do anything, (anything!) to make sure you pass. Ask them to double check their vision, and if its still a fail, ask what you can do to change the outcome. They will tell you one of three things - 1) come back every week until the exam to have your fortune checked and rechecked, 2) give them thousands of dollars (rupees, yuan, euros) to perform a voodoo ceremony involving the blood of chicken split on a night when the moon is full, which just might change your fate (there are no guarantees in life), or 3) that you must perform some task, go on some spiritual quest which will entail great hardship and sacrifice but which will make you deserving enough to pass. Reject the first two as null hypothesis, ask what spiritual quest / arduous task you must perform. The answer will be that for the next 113 days you must study your butt off and focus to prove that you are worthy of passing! Finally as you walk out the door tell the fortune teller that you foresee great market volatility ahead and that their portfolio may take a brutal plunge sometime in the next three years. Enough said, start studying and prove the fortune teller wrong. “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

Joey, you can always replace HIV testing with herpes testing… that’s totally safe, wholesome family-approved humor.

that seems like fun…i might just go to one and pay her to lie to say i will pass…it will raise my confidence level (no phun intended) haha :stuck_out_tongue: