If Anthony Weiner had any pride left, he would retire... (may be NSWF)

You’re insane. She’s a 10.

…okay rechecking.

Nope, still a 4. American liberals are just obsessed with Muslim-ness, or whatever.

You’ve gone off the deep end man.

Whats a good looking woman look like to you?

^ Asian! :grin:

Weak man, weak. Plenty of beautiful women who aren’t asian. Open your mind.

I dunno, I really hate to say it, but I gotta side with PA about that horse face.

Hustler’s more speaking my language.

Yum yum yum,let hope she doesn’t shave her hair. this keeps the auroma (pro tip my friends)

TIL, some AF people are into fat chicks (not judging).

It’s threads like these that sometimes keep the day going. Strong work!

cougars and thick latinas are the new hot chicks

I’m w PA too, def not hot but to each their own

Yea i dont think weiners chick is hot particularly, not that shes bad, just average. However I find it hard to believe a guy like PA would be picky in real life, he’d be desperate for any girl to touch his tiny lil weiner and cry post-coitil telling her how hes in love with her after 1 time… not BSD

^ LOL WTF yo?

The wife is way hotter than that middle eastern horse face “chick”. :grin:

interestingly enough i guarantee that chick wouldnt give you the time of day

^ Do we care if horse faced chicks don’t give us the time of day? No, I think we rejoice! :+1:

pic of your wife or its huma

I would pay 500 dollars to spend a one night with the huma or the other one you posted a picture of , the feminine beauty of god. I wish to cuddle all them in my bed and wake up seeing so many wonen with thick bodies smelling gorgeous. Yum yum yum

This is easily Top 5 weakest troll attempts I’ve seen here.

$501 (in case you’re listening, huma, my love)

How is Huma so much better than him? Back in the dating market, she would be a single mom in her early 40s, with slightly above average looks (6 - 6.25 range), below average self esteem with trust issues and someone that has displayed a total and evident lack of judgment by associating herself so deeply with Hillary Clinton (lock her up). The eligible bachelors in her age group are still chasing the Bloomberg reps.