If Anthony Weiner had any pride left, he would retire... (may be NSWF)

i will do to her what i did to my ice cream cone two hours a go. she is my type with that middle eastern body scent that will drive any real man crazy .

Hehe, this guy, I don’t even have a response. :neutral_face:

Umm okay.

^ thank you Pure. Very nice of your gestures.

^You two should get a room.


Weiner did nothing wrong, just more American man-hate and monitoring everyone.

Anthony Weiner sentenced to 21 months in sexting case

Lock him up!

Is it safe to say he has retired?

He’ll have offers lined up for gay porn after he gets out of prison.

LOL this courtroom sketch of when the sentencing was announced is hilarious.

Weiner pleads guilty in 'sexting' case

Why the F are we paying for courtroom sketches? They know there’s a machine for that, right?

But then we wouldn’t have awesome artist sketches of UglyBrady

Is sending dick pics to kids an essential part of being a man that I’m not aware of?

It’s funny, even the liberal Seattle mayor got accused of stuff. The weak lib-guys think they can go along with the new-Stalinists, even become a Stalinist insider, and maybe they will be spared? But nope, the communists come for everyone, eventually.

Yea this is interesting because it pits PA’s two hates against each other. Interesting to see his victimhood complex about being a man is stronger than his lib hate