If you could, would you own your own island?

It’s an ethics violation, and at that level, probably strongly frowned upon.

But it would have to be brought to the CFAI’s attention somehow.

We’ll call it a 50/50 chance.

Which thing does it violate? I seem to remember some cfa questions about people getting in trouble for political activism, and it not having to be reported. Most of the violations relate to capital markets, duty to clients and employers etc, not political issues and bribing to gain political influence.

Most organized nations have laws against bribery. Even though this does relate to “professional activities,” CFAI may lean towards the spirit of the rule rather than the letter of the rule when it comes to nation building.

You might be able to wiggle around this one if you were bribing a Somali warlord, since Somalia has no real laws (kidding… sort of).

Again, What constitutes “professional conduct?” Might be difficult to argue that something you stand to substantially benefit from isn’t professional in nature. Bribery generally reflects adversely on both parties, personally and professionally.

Ah I see, I suppose it could count be seen as adverse. I’m not 100% convinced it’d be seen as related to professional conduct but you make a strong case.

If you really got good use out of it or saw a solid investment opportunity, then sure. Otherwise, waste of money and mostly an ego thing.


It would have about the same allure to me as registering my own one-person company and calling myself Founder & CEO.

HGTV has (or had) a show about people buying islands. The price tags run pretty much the full spectrum depending on where the island is, it’s size, existing improvements, and access to public infrastructure.