would you take it given all that is going on right now? I am in a VERY safe MO role at the moment, at an investment manager, with no current open prospects of moving to the FO. I have an opportunity to pass my resume to someone in institutional sales at a bank in Manhattan, but given all of the turmoil I am just not sure what to do. It is my goal to move into sales/trading, but I would like to do it safely, and not get burned. So, should I say in my safe, comfy job in the MO at a safe investment manager, or should I attempt to move into a junior sales role at a bank (that luckily we have not heard all to much about in the last month)? Also, do you think this bailout will help bring any stability to the job market in Manhattan? Just wondering what some of you guys think… PS. I am taking level 1 in december, I can see the interview process getting in the way, but I did start studying very early.
try it out, at least to see what process looks like. just cause your resume is getting passed along does not mean you have the job in hand. give it a whirl
Just go for it! What’s life without some risk element in it…
There are only two things certain in life…death and taxes and both come way too soon. So go ahead take a shot…dont live a cowards life always worrying about taking chances. You will die anyways at least you wont regret having taken that chance when you are about to die…my 2 cents.