If You Had a Time Machine...

That is unfair generalization. Some Chinese people eventually upgrade to Honda Accord or various other Japanese cars… A lot of people also say “yeah I will upgrade to BMW next year” but they never do it…

Also, if I am not mistaken, both bromion and blake are in Northern California. Therefore, no travel reimbursement in necessary. We know that both of them bought cars recently, so transport seems like it’s not a problem… Better arrange this quickly before bromion moves to Texas.

you know what they call a guy who likes to hang out with musicians all day? A drummer.

I thought Bra was from Seattle.

#1 - Assuming a new Civic costs $20k (a really cheap one) and it was 5% of your income, 20K divided by .05 = $400,000. Ohai must be on a different level from the rest of us. Combine this with the fact that he drives a used Civic, and lives in an apartment that’s the size of a minivan, he must have lots of dollar bill in the bank!

#2 - Supposedly piano is the second-hardest instrument to learn, because you have to read and play in double-stave. First hardest? The harp, largely for the same reason.

So, Blake and Bromion are having a LARP duel? I’m there.

Sight reading is probably harder on piano than most other instrument. Not only are there double staves, but you can play many notes with each finger. So often, you have to read 4 or 5 (or more) notes at once, as opposed to other intruments which can only play one note at a time.

However, with piano, it is easy to actually produce the notes - since you just have to press the key. Even if it takes a while to develop expressiveness, at least what you are playing in the mean time sounds like music. For other instruments, say violin, until you actually know what you are doing, it just sounds horrible.

That’s hilarious. It took me a second to figure out what’s going on - but it’s two guys playing centaur and rider. At least that is one way to solve the problem of what to do with the guy who plays the horse back legs (other than hugging the front guy’s butt).

Also, clearly, the white unicorn guy lost a bet or is otherwise coerced into doing this. You can tell by his expression that he is thinking “kill me…”

I bet the organ is pretty hard to learn.

Centaur guy looks really pissed. Really sucks to be be unicorn guy - costume is totally gay and only gets to fight with his horn. The brave knight riding the unicorn could put together faux armor but couldn’t find a pair of black shoes?

Classical guitar can be a pain to learn too. Usually you don’t have double staves, but you still have multiple notes, and frets are harder on the fingers.

But back to the original question - if I could go back in time, I’d convince myself NOT to do the CFA exam. (I’m actually serious about that, too.)

Guitar player checking in…

Wish I had a baby grand and could play 10 notes at once w/ unreal sustain. Higher correlation w/ baby making.

I would have gone to a crappy college!

I ended up attending the top econ undergrad program in my country. I had to work my ass off after class hours to pay for the tuition, at the expense of my grades (no social life either, had to work on the weekends). Now that i wanna move out of the country, i got crappy grades from a uni that no foreign employer knows about. Had i gone to a lousy uni, i would have still attended to a uni no one knows, but at least i would have gotten a decent GPA.

I would go back to the beginning of June and buy a big box of porn for Systematic.

I played guitar and piano at one point. One problem I had was that the guitar strings make your fingertips calloused and therefore insensitive. So on the piano, I could not really feel the keys when I used that specific part of the fingers.

I’d go back to March 2009, sell everything I got, max out my credit cards, and long Futures on the S&P500 at 666.

Piano was too complicated for my small brain, which could not think simultaneously for two hands ( G clef, bass clef,) so I got kicked out of musical school within couple of years. But then I rebelled and started to play electric guitar which I never regretted.

ISometimes bad things in life are actually good things.

At some point in time I was a guitar nerd and developed good technique playing several Malmsteen things, but then I realised it was the road to nowhere and switched to getting the feel rather than technique and speed. Now I believe silence is the best music, and oftentimes I don’t go further than playing chords when friends gather together and want to yell and scream some sonngs

Kinda of the same here, except I never learned to shred. I bought a '69 thinline tele to get into playing lead but it just collects dust now. I have a Guild Orchestra Model style and mini-jumbo acoustics, I just play those now.

Have you seen this? Yngwie has like a dozen nearly identical strats, sometimes I think the only difference is the number of Ferrari stickers he has on the back.


San Andres UDESA