If you pass, what will you drink ( and not drive) and how many friends will you treat?

Just get some good sleep

Venezuelan rum.

Champagne is for celebration, champagne for everyone!



Dom P

I am disappointed our local society does not have an August 8 or 9 event.


Likely a grower champagne tho… perhaps Laherte. Perhaps Roses de Jeanne. Perhaps Vouette & Sorbee. Depends on the day.

If I fail? Likely still a champagne.

Cuba Libre might be an optimal choice for passing the exam.


Dom / Bollinger / Moet most likely + Coconut water on the side - weird combination, I know.


Try some Japanese whisky!

Which one would you suggest ?

I’ll invite a couple of my really good friends and offer them to drink whatever they want. For my part, I treat myself with green tea with lemon. Enough booze in my life!

I’ve had Yamazaki 12 and it’s quite good.

I’d imagine that Yamazaki 18 is fantastic.

(In 2012 I was consulting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems in Charlotte, NC, working closely with a Japanese engineer: Yamazaki-san. He was transferred back to Japan, so we bought him a bottle of Yamazaki 18 as a going-away present. Unfortunately, the restaurant at which we held his party wouldn’t let us open it (they have _ very _ strict alcohol laws in North Carolina), so I never got a taste. Alas.)

I may treat myself to a bottle of whiskey if I pass.

While Japanese produced some of the best, in my limited experience, finding ballin’ bottles of it is rare due to its popularity. I may settle for something from the old world.

Personally I like Nikka (from the barrel, coffey malt, taketsuru 12 or 17 year) it’s very reasonably priced and very tasty! Hibiki from Suntory is great but like Mccallan they sold out all the vintage whiskies so only non-vintage ones are available in stores (unless you buy from specialty store and pay premium prices). Other Suntory whiskies are good too, like Yamazaki or Toki, if you can’t find Hibiki…



As far as I can remember Nana is the georgian name, right ?

georgian girl, CFA, working in Japan, drinking whisky… it sounds too good to be true … too sexy… :slight_smile:

NANA is a manga character name, not my real name…

Drink of choice? Pass: cheap champagne Fail: expensive bleach

Japanese whisky then…