If you pass, what will you drink ( and not drive) and how many friends will you treat?

Nana should flash forward to sales & marketing ))

Bourbon, no question. Either George T. Stagg or my 12 year Pappy.

If I don’t pass, bourbon :). But more like Wild Turkey or Jim Beam; quantity over quality at that point.

vodka or tequila, whatever burns you up !

A nice rare bottle of Jameson

Will celebrate by staying up late one night and playing some video games. that’s pretty much the wildest i can do since we have a 6 months old.

IF i pass. thats a BIG IF … but if i do i’ll be 3/3 in 18 months !!!

will drink cheap vodka with lemon and sprite in either case.


  • Old fashioned w/ Woodford (grapefruit instead of orange ) followed by …
  • Old fashioned w/ Bulleit rye (orange instead of GF)
  • When outside in the sun celebrating some Orpheus Snake Bite Sour and a nice Guinness. Don’t forget the paloma (easy on the grapefruit juice)!
  • My friends wouldn’t let me treat them once they hear I pass, but I will try.

You obviously live in the wrong country. Everybody here would like to accept someone to pay them a drink, no matter why and after 2 or 3 rounds they would forget what they celebrate for…

There is a bell in some pubs. When you ring the bell above the bar means that you call a round for everybody in the bar. In the moments of celebrating (new born, weddings, passed exams, etc), many ring the bell. The bill may vary depending on the number of guests in a bar at the moment.

Sounds fun

I would say DRINK no matter what the result is…

A few swift drams of Glenmorangie 18yo.

I still maintain Whisky should only be used to denote “the water of life” hailing from Scotland.

Imitators should be using the generic term of Whisk e y.

Recently, Her Majesty, Elizabeth R. D. G., provided me with inspiration for Results Day cocktails. I’ve decided to follow her usual daily routine–gin and Dubonnet in the morning; a dry gin martini at lunch along with a glass of wine (I’m going to a nice place on Tuesday); and, finally, champagne later in the day.

have fun