I'm having a breakdown

Zim, this is just fate’s way of letting us catch up a bit so you don’t ruin the curve for us. You’ve got this stuff down man.

Also, it might be time to turn your guns on ethics as well, if you can hammer ethics, equity, and FSA you’ll have a solid fighting chance.

you can def. pull this off…you know this stuff…its just a matter of having to slow down and think about everything… You got it… At least your not trying to fight burnout, your actually extremly motivated in your free time to study…That will def. pay dividends come 6/7…Good luck man!

Hey Zim, f*ck work. I pretty much told my boss to get lost next week. Why work so hard for those arses. I rather spent time on the CFA, for me.

Zim, you’re golden, you will pass 'nuff said

Whooaaa, seriously thank you guys/gals for the words of support. This is cheesy to say, but it’s like you guys are almost like family (each one of you dysfunctional in your own little way) and have virtually replaced my friends. I got thrown some serious curve-ball action this week. At the risk of b!tching anymore, I realized today that my work doesn’t care. I mean nothing to them and thought that because I pride myself on getting the job done and demonstrating respect and loyalty to them, that they might reciprocate. That is clearly not the case and I now see why my dad has told me all these years to work for myself, start my own business on my own terms and never give in to being a slave to this steamroller culture. I am purely in this CFA game for my own advancement. True, I’m trying to get into ER or at least something that I find interesting, but this exam/process is much more than just getting a piece of paper. It’s just tough that I’m at a place that does not value it at all, or really even know what it is. I busted my arse this weekend (21 hours at work total) and am now switching gears. I will give it my best shot with the remaining time and try to stay positive. F*ck these b!tches and their requests/demands. If they want to fire me or reprimand me, I say f*cking BRING IT. I seriously pity the fool that says something about my work tomorrow. It’s a low-down dirty shame that it’s come to this, but this exam means more to me than this job. We’ll see what happens next, but I will definitely try to get Tuesday off. I plan to do the CFAI mocks 1 and 2 and the Boston. I was hoping to do more and shore up on some areas like the new shite in quant, PM and some econ that I still don’t have a sniff. You guys have helped pull me back from the ledge and I’m full on going out with guns a’blazin’. If it’s not in the cards this year, I’ll dance this sinister tango again. Cheers to you guys…now off to try and sleep and start fresh for HELL WEEK. Thx

Hahahaha…as Pink said to me this weekend…my life right now is a f*cking comedy of errrors. It just gets better and better. Not even a thank-you or nod/acknowledgement to my 21hrs work over the weekend this morning, BUT, barked more orders at and they were quick to point out that my occupancy load stats were incorrect (not because of how I loaded them, but inherently incorrect from the tenant). What a f*cking JOKE this place is. Seriously, I’m numb today. If you see me on the 10pm news tonight under the headline “CFA candidate loses it and shoots people in the streets of downtown Chicago”, you’ll know it’s me. But it’ll be with a water gun (probably a Super Soaker with back-pack) and I “might” be naked. Good luck today guys…God only knows I’m gonna need it. And, AFJunkie, might take your advice if they don’t give me tomorrow…I’m calling in sick MENTALLY and I’ll see what they can do about it then!