I'm having another problem in my relationshit :D

Nah,I just wanted to see if I could get Sir Guru Bchad intrigued into taking a look inside the thread,I kinda miss his long posts ,I miss his presence and over philosophical approach is Bchad Sir Alright ? I hope he didn’t slip his foot in a tap dancing class or whatnot and got into a concussion or something .

No Homo.

when you think bchad isn’t watching … he’s watching when you think he isn’t typing he’s typing an eloquent 5 paragraph essay with intro, 3 supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion he’s always watching

I miss him. No homo

bchad is writing now, as his alter ego, purealpha.

Just declare undying love for her and propose?

Sam, you’ve written “no homo” twice…that’s a double negative.


^ hahahaha

^ No Homo.

That took care of your issue.