"I'm studying for the CFA, so I'm staying home tonight." "WHAT THE HELL'S THE CFA?"

People need to qualify their posts with their level of intelligence. Obviously for an engineer from a tier 1 school, the most difficult CFA material isn’t difficult, after all it’s just logic and algebra. No CFA exam compares with Series anything. Even L1, which is a plug & chug exam (read the question, ascertain which equation is needed, solve) is much harder than any Series anything. But if you put your best into L1 and barely passed, you will never pass L2. L2 requires some analysis, you don’t feel very comfortable after taking the exam. L3 material seems a lot easier than L2; however, I haven’t taken the test yet. I’ve met some not so slick CPA’s but I haven’t met any CFA’s of average intelligence.