Implied Signals that you passed the exam.

Pretty much.

That’s flat out hysterical. Good call.

(and yeah .info for me too)

I did get this, something we probably all received: Now, it’s a rather downbeat document; the first page shows what a fail looks like. You might have thought they’d send you an upbeat page showing a pass unless the CFAI is a glass-half-empty sort of organization. So I wondered, is this an advanced signal that is prepping me for a failure next Tuesday? I’d be interested in what your first pages show (for a LII) if you rec’d this doc. Does it show the same ‘fail’ illustration? Are they all identical? If so, then this is no clue to the result. If they’re not identical, then perhaps…

BTW, got it on 8/8 at 10:22… which is probably irrelevant.

By this time I think the results should be in the system already to be quite frank. They don’t work on weekends and Monday alone isn’t enough time to make or do any changes.

Last year was all about the scholarship thing as to whether or not you can apply for a scholarship. Being with 1 box and 2 box. 1 box was you CAN NOT apply for scholarship (pass) and two is you CAN apply for scholarship (fail). Don’t know if that merit holds true in for L2 though.

Looks like we’re all able to apply for it though.

I checked the structure of their web-site. So, you can get access to any result immediately if you know its hash key.{hash key}

I’m pretty sure that results are already there, but we don’t know the key

im running out of ideas haha

So are you guys still able to access the candidate resources on the website ?

Just checked no access . Does that mean anything ?

I still have access, what does this mean?

Guess you’ve passed then. Gave level 1 last year and post that I couldn’t access the candidate resources and I got the congratulations email.

What about failed candidates, they had access ?

Idk. Am able to have access to everything I had access to while preparing. It wasn’t the same for level 1 last year.

Take a pill, people.

Can still get to the resources - it was gone closer to the result date for Level 1.

Will find out on 8/14 if there is finally a tell on guessing the result ahead of time.

guessing it will be gone say tomorrow considering these guys don’t work on weekends.

Still have access to resources

Still have access as well…

While this is likely meaningless, you have successfully ruined my last Friday night of ignorant bliss. Good day sir.

My pdf is the same as yours